YOGA 101
Bryan Kest Yoga: Poweryoga online
“What is your company’s name?” seems the most straightforward question to start my interview with Bryan Kest, pioneer of Power Yoga Santa Monica and co-founder...
5 essential life skills that you can train with yoga
Develop yoga skills for lifeYoga is a centuries-proven method towards self-realization and well-being. You can interpret the concept of self-realization in your own way, yet...
scorpion pose – 6 easy steps to vrschikasana
mastering the vrschikasana – scorpion pose revisitedWhen I first stepped onto my yoga mat, I was unaware of its profound impact on my life, so...
benefits of morning yoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India. It involves practicing physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to improve flexibility,...
yoga nidra sleep
One night a few years ago, a zombie showed up to my Yoga Nidra for sleep class. Vacant, she rolled out her mat and sat...
teeki leggings
Teeki Yoga Pants for youRecently, YOGI TIMES was given the opportunity of testing out some yoga pants from Teeki: an eco-friendly company based in Los...
eco friendly yoga mat: how to choose
What is an eco-friendly yoga mat? What does it even mean to be eco, green, or sustainable? The number of consumer searches for yoga mats...
vagus nerve stimulation in yoga
the nervous system & the vagus nerveVagus nerve stimulation in yoga | Prana is the Sanskrit word for “life force.” In other words, its our...
Jade ELITE’s Yoga Mat Review
for the toughest of yogis – jade yoga mat reviewJade ELITE’s Yoga Mat was created for yogis who like it rough. The ELITE S was designed...
yogi food – what do yogis eat? what diet?
Eat like a yogi – sattvic foods, a yogic dietYogi Food | They say that “You are what you eat,” which is exactly why we...
YOGALINE Alignment Yoga Mat
Confidence with the Yogaline Personalized Alignment Yoga Mat.YOGALINE | Practicing yoga with confidence is easy when you can find ideal postures for your body. Yogaline...
yoga for ADHD
How yoga can heal symptoms of ADHDYoga for ADHD | Today, millions of people are taking part in the physical practice of yoga and even...
Difference between yoga and pilates
Pilates vs Yoga | Around the World workout. Despite their longevity and global popularity, Yoga and Pilates continue to confuse, exacerbated by the growing range...
does yoga burn calories? how many?
Those of you who are still suspicious if yoga counts as a workout.Most people wonder how many calories does yoga burn ; some assume that...
rethinking our yoga practice during the quarantine.
my ex-fiancé coined this term “quarantine-Asana.”Ironically, he became my ex right after I took a sabbatical to the Amazon. I was then bound for three...
how to create a successful yoga business online from scratch
Wondering how to start your own Yoga business online? We’ll break down the steps you need to launch a successful Yoga career online.Now more than...
are you really in your body?
a beautiful guide to release the busy mind and reconnect with yourselfHave you ever felt so consumed with work, your personal life, and to-do lists...
kundalini powers
what it means to be awakeKundalini is spoken of in all yogas. It’s referred to as the primordial energy of the universe, your untapped potential,...