ayurveda: cooling herbal oils

ayurveda: cooling herbal oils

summer joy As the starlight sky dances above and we lie in bed resting peacefully, the first morning rays begin to permeate through our east-facing...
Ayurveda for Anxiety

ayurveda for anxiety

Nearly everyone today has experienced anxiety, children even. Something about this fast-paced life, with technology and speed unimaginable only a few years ago has taken...


or, eat good food in a good way Greetings, fellow yogis. Often, I barked about eating healthy food. Now, I’m going to bark about how...
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

ayurvedic yoga therapy

Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy is the application of Raja yoga – composed of the traditional eight limbs of yoga as defined by Patanjali in the Yoga...
keeping the wind at bay

keeping the wind at bay

pacify vata all year long with daily abhyanga Vata is the name given to the energy of movement in our physical and mental bodies. Its...
Do what you love!

do what you love!

My spa day isn’t your typical spa day. I woke up this morning knowing I needed a spa day. Don’t get turned off yet. My...


Shifting into Spring In Ayurveda, we use the word Vikruti to acknowledge your current health condition, which may be affected by seasonal changes, a visit or...
Balancing Kapha

balancing kapha

Ayurveda, India‘s system of traditional medicine and ‘science of life’, deals elaborately with measures of healthful living. It stresses a balance of three elemental energies:...
8 tips to a healthier lifestyle

8 tips to a healthier lifestyle

8 tips to a healthier lifestyle | Healthy Be Relaxed Calm Meditate Laugh “How are you doing?“ is the question. “Good! Busy”¦REALLY busy!” is the...
spinal hygiene

spinal hygiene

keeping your bill of health clean as a whistle A healthy spine is undoubtedly the center point in the physical aspect of a fluid yoga practice....
the perfect birth

the perfect birth

letting go of expectations In the middle of a February night earlier this year, a mother-to-be and her labor team drove through sheets of rain...