Last Edited Date: September 9, 2024
Estimated reading time: 1 mns
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or, eat good food in a good way
Greetings, fellow yogis.
Often, I barked about eating healthy food. Now, I’m going to bark about how to eat it. Did you know that eating food while you breathe and feel relaxed is just as important as the kind food you eat?
Woof, that’s right! If you have angry words with people, or do not feel calm while you eat, the food doesn’t work so well for your body – it is hard to digest. Yogi Doggi always sits quietly for a moment and breathes before he eats his meals. Then Yogi Doggi thinks about how hard people worked to produce all the food on his plate, and feels so thankful for it.
That way he enjoys his meal to the fullest – and is practicing Mitahara. What a great way to eat!
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