Root Chakra or Muladhara

Chakras are subtle energy centers that play a fundamental role in the balance and system of body and mind.

The seven main chakras are located along the spine, and each is associated with a particular aspect of our physical, emotional or spiritual life.

The proper functioning of these chakras is essential for maintaining overall harmony, as they regulate the flow of vital energy in our bodies.

Root Chakra or Muladhara


  • Understanding the chakras: Chakras are energy centers essential to our overall well-being.
  • Root chakra (Muladhara): The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the element Earth and is crucial for security and stability.
  • Importance of the root chakra: A balanced root chakra promotes stability, confidence and security, essential for physical and mental health.
  • Signs of imbalance: Fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, insecurity.
  • Causes of imbalance: Stress, trauma, lifestyle.
  • Balancing methods: Meditation, yoga, crystals, essential oils, connection to the earth.
  • Daily activities: Importance of routine, time in nature, grounding practices.
  • Affirmations: Using affirmations to strengthen the root chakra.
  • Benefits of a balanced root chakra: Physical well-being, emotional stability, improved energy flow.

What is the muladhara chakra?

personnage avec chakra racine

The Muladhara Chakra, also known as the root chakra, is the 1st of the seven main chakras.

Located at the base of the spine, it is the seat of our sense of security, stability and survival instinct.

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Associated with the element Earth, this first chakra influences our ability to feel grounded and confident in our daily lives.

The first chakra is represented by a four-petal lotus, surrounded by a root that plunges deep into the earth, and is often given the color red.

A balanced Muladhara is essential for a healthy, grounded and serene life.

Importance of the root chakra

fleur rouge chakra racine

The root chakra plays an essential role in our overall happiness.

It acts as the foundation of our energy system, guaranteeing our stability and grounding.

A balanced root chakra enables us to handle daily stress with confidence and stay connected to our physical environment.

It impacts not only our physical well-being, but also our self-confidence, which is crucial to our personal and spiritual development.

Chakra balance and imbalance

Balancing the root chakra is essential for maintaining a harmonious, stable life.

When this 1st chakra is balanced, we feel secure, confident and able to face challenges with resilience.

Also Read >>> What are some of the root chakra stones?

On the other hand, an imbalance in the 1st chakra can lead to anxiety, insecurity and physical ailments such as back pain or digestive problems.

This imbalance can also affect our anchoring to the earth and our sense of sustainability in everyday life.

Signs of Root Chakra imbalance

When the root chakra is out of balance, there are different kinds of manifestation.

Physically, you may experience constant fatigue, digestive problems linked to a lowered immune system, or lower back pain.

Emotionally, this imbalance may translate into anxiety, feelings of insecurity or excessive fear of the future.

You may also find it difficult to stay grounded in the present, to concentrate or to establish solid foundations in various aspects of your daily life.

Causes of Root Chakra Imbalance

Imbalance of the 1st chakra can be caused by a number of factors, including chronic stress, emotional trauma or a disorganized daily routine.

Experiences of intense fear or prolonged conflict can also disrupt this chakra.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of contact with nature, or unbalanced eating habits such as eating disorders, can all contribute to destabilizing this energy center, impacting on our vitality.

Methods for balancing the root chakra

Meditation and visualization

Méditation et visualisation devant un lac

Meditation and visualization are essential practices for harmonizing the root chakra, or muladhara.

The practice of meditation helps to calm the mind and establish an inner space of stability, while visualization involves representing an intense red light, representing connection with the earth.

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These practices strengthen our anchorage to the earth and restore a sense of inner security.

Yoga postures for the root chakra and spine

coucher de soleil tadasana yoga chakra racine

Yoga offers specific postures to strengthen the 1st chakra.

Positions such as the mountain posture(Tadasana) and the tree posture(Vrikshasana) engage the lower body, encourage grounding and the development of a deeper awareness of our body.

Read also >>> What are the chakras

Using the feet and legs, these postures establish a solid connection with the ground, reinforcing stability.

Other relaxing positions, such as the corpse pose(Savasana), help to release tension in the body and harmonize root chakra energy.

Natural tools for balancing the root chakra

Natural tools such as crystals and essential oils play a key role in balancing the first chakra.

Redagate and red jasper, for example, are renowned for their ability to stabilize energy.

pierres rouges sur un rond de'arbre

These stones can be worn on the body or placed in meditation spaces.

Applied to the skin or diffused, essential oils such as clove or tea tree bring a sense of security and serenity, strengthening energy in the 1st chakra.

Physical connection to the earth

pas dans le sable vu de haut

Physical reconnection to the earth is an effective approach to restoring balance to the 1st chakra.

By walking barefoot on grass, earth or sand, or simply sitting on a stone, you can reconnect with earth energy.

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This method, frequently referred to as earthing or anchoring, helps to re-establish a deep connection with nature, enhancing a sense of security in everyday life.

These activities promote energetic grounding, essential for a balanced root chakra.

Daily activities to strengthen the root chakra

2 filles assisses devant un lac de montagne chakra racine

Strengthening the 1st chakra on a daily basis involves simple yet powerful activities.

You need to create a stable, structured routine that encourages anchoring.

For example, spending time in nature is essential. Walking barefoot, hiking or sitting on the grass helps you connect with the earth.

Relaxation exercises such as deep breathing help stabilize the energy of the 1st chakra.

Affirmations for the root chakra

Affirmations are powerful tools for strengthening and balancing the root chakra.

By repeating positive phrases such as “I am safe”, “I am grounded and stable”, or “I trust life”, you can gradually modify your thoughts and positively rebalance your energy.

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These affirmations should be pronounced with intention, ideally in a calm environment and with full awareness.

This regular practice helps to reinforce emotional balance and anchor the individual in the present moment.

The benefits of a balanced root chakra

A balanced root chakra has multiple benefits, both physically and mentally.

Physically, it encourages good posture and a sense of body security.

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Emotionally, it promotes a sense of security, self-confidence and resistance to stress.

A harmonious root chakra also improves overall energy flow, enabling a better circulation of energy throughout the body, contributing to an overall feeling of vitality.


In conclusion, the root chakra, symbolized by a four-petal lotus, is the foundation of our physical and emotional well-being.

A balanced root chakra enables us to anchor ourselves in reality, feel a sense of security and improve our emotional stability.

By integrating daily practices such as meditation, yoga, positive affirmations and regular connection to nature, we can stimulate this essential energy center.

For a harmonious life, full of self-confidence and grounded in the present, it’s vital to keep the root chakra in balance.


The root chakra, or Muladhara, is the first of the seven chakras and is associated with security and grounding. It plays an essential role in our sense of security and self-confidence.

Signs of a blocked root chakra include anxiety, insecurity, lower back pain and digestive problems. You may also feel a sense of disconnection or lack of stability.

To heal the root chakra, practice meditation, specific yoga positions, use crystals such as red jasper, and repeat positive affirmations. Connecting with nature is also beneficial.

Connecting to your root chakra can be done through activities such as meditation, visualizing a red light at the base of the spine, or spending time in nature.

To unblock the root chakra, engage in practices such as meditation, yoga, affirmations, and the use of specific crystals or essential oils. Direct contact with the earth, such as walking barefoot, also helps balance.

Harmonizing the root chakra involves techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and repeating affirmations. Spending time in nature is very beneficial.

An open root chakra manifests as a feeling of security and connection to reality. You feel grounded, confident and physically stable.

Nurturing your root chakra involves regular practice of grounding yoga postures and spending time in contact with nature. Using affirmations and crystals like red jasper can also help.

To rebalance the root chakra, practice meditation, use crystals, and connect with nature. Affirmations and a stable daily routine are also crucial.

Chakras can become unbalanced due to stress, trauma, bad habits and the environment. A lack of connection to the earth can specifically affect the root chakra.

An unbalanced chakra manifests itself through physical, emotional and energetic symptoms such as pain, anxiety or confusion.

Un chakra se bloque souvent à cause de stress, de traumatismes ou d’une déconnexion avec soi-même et son environnement. Les pensées négatives et les mauvaises habitudes de vie y contribuent également.

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Enfance et éducation Juliette est née en France à Évreux le 20 novembre 2005. Elle a grandi près d'Évreux, dans la campagne normande qui est une région riche en histoire et en culture. Elle a suivi sa scolarité primaire et secondaire dans la région d'Évreux. Études
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