aaron star’s hot nude yoga hawaii

New York-based yogi, Aaron Star, continues to break down barriers and defy convention with his latest four DVD box set release, Hot Nude Yoga Hawaii. Since he began offering nude yoga classes to gay men in the Chelsea district of Manhattan, Star’s popularity has exploded. He now offers Hot Nude Yoga DVDs and retreats for men, one of which set the stage for this new collection of DVDs.
At first glance, one might assume that this DVD set amounts to little more than erotica, however, to his credit, Star presents his nude practice in such a way that, surprisingly, the nudity is not the star of the show. The yoga is. In fact, after 10 minutes of watching the progression of poses and absorbing the thoughtful solid instruction that accompanies it, the fact that the participants are naked simply becomes part of the background of lush tropical landscapes, black sand beaches, and majestic sunrises.
The four DVDs offer a variety of nude practice options that include an energizing morning practice, a soothing afternoon practice, a sensual partner practice and a documentary-style look at the first class of Aaron’s Hawaiian retreat. Star has clearly come into his own in expressing the purpose behind his approach to yoga and imparting that both to his students and to the viewers of his DVDs.
Purchase Aaron Star’s Hot Nude Yoga Hawai
Wherein his first DVD set contained a more overt sexuality that at times bordered on gratuitous, Hot Nude Yoga Hawaii celebrates the natural beauty of the male body, our connection to nature and the power of yoga to promote positive transformation in our lives. Interviews with many of the participants, which accompany the documentary included in the set, provide a deeper understanding of the liberation and freedom that many men experience in Star’s classes.
To Star’s credit, the participants in the DVD are of various ages, sizes, and levels of experience. Rather than depicting a crowd of chiseled Ken dolls doing picture-perfect yoga, Hot Nude Yoga Hawaii embraces the varying capabilities of different bodies and demonstrates that commitment to the practice and acceptance of the self is far more important than a perfectly aligned triangle pose or pretzel-like contortions.
At the end of the day, if watching a bunch of naked guys doing yoga isn’t your idea of a spiritually stimulating experience, then it’s probably best to pass on Hot Nude Yoga Hawaii. However, if you’re mind is open to something a little different and you’re willing to look at yoga from a new perspective, then you might find an unexpected treat hiding inside this box set.
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