Communication workshops with Ranil Sharma

YOGI TIMES: Hi Ranil! Good to see you again!
Ranil Sharma : Hi Guys. Thank you and good to be back.
YT: The last time you were in Bali you did a new workshop about Communications? Tell us a bit more about that?
Ranil Sharma : Yes I did. We called it Relationship Dynamics/Communication. I have had quite a few requests to develop a workshop around some of the experiences that we cover in the intensives and in private work.
Many of our attendees make great shifts in their inner selves however we also have to integrate and understand how to connect from these new places.
A common theme is that there is an increasing demand for people wanting to understand how to develop their communications to align with their own mind-body growth.
It is our intimate relationships that trigger the most challenging reactions within us. Usually in private work we are able to address this and develop the awareness, insight, and skills to flow through these challenges.
Of course group based work allows us to create leverage in our education.
YT: That’s great Ranil. We see many wonderful communications courses that provide terrific tools and skills to be better communicators. What is specific to your course?
R: You are right there are many really good courses and great teachers around. My focus for this event is based on a Core Energetics platform.
It is about being grounded in who we are, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. From this place we can be aware of what our reaction is to an event or person, and make conscious choices about our actions.
We are going to be reacting from a place of thinking, feeling or acting. The more that we are connected to all of these in a balanced way, the more we are empowered in any given situation.
That sounds simple and yet even when we do this in the intensives, it is usually in the context of major shifts that we are creating within. We have found that the application of the techniques require some focus to develop and hence this workshop.
YT: Ok. So what happens in the workshop?
Ranil Sharma : The focus is on the following things: Being able to communicate clearly or be heard in certain situations or with particular people. Being able to notice patterns in your interaction with the world. Observing how people behave in a certain way around you or with you and you being unable to change /or communicate that.
This is a practical and interactive workshop where we learn to understand the messages that you are communicating both consciously and unconsciously.
It’s about practicing how to align our communication to our true intention and how we communicate that to key people in our lives.
This approach allows us to use any skills that we may have and align them to create a greater level of empowerment in our daily activities and communications. Even master communicators are challenged with being effective.
There is an intellectual, emotional and experiential framework that gives us the insight and ability to understand exactly what we can do to proceed. We ask people to prepare by thinking of real examples in their lives that we can use so as to get the most out of our time.
With couples or participants that are focusing on their intimate relationship, we look at the inner messages and how they present in relationships and what to do to align and bring to consciousness in a way that creates intimacy and connection.
YT: It sounds as if it quite a “hands on” approach?
Ranil Sharma : Yes it is. Many people who attend are well into their healing/ personal development path and have a lot of information and experience. My goal is to enable them to leverage what they already know and learn how to apply that in their every day life. That is best done by practice.
YT: Will you continue to run this workshops in Bali?
Ranil Sharma : Definitely! I was so inspired by the participation and results that I am committed to continue over the next few years.
YT: Thank you Ranil. We look forward to speaking to again soon.
Ranil Sharma : Thank you YOGI TIMES!
You can read more on Ranil Sharma in this interview here and about his Core Energetics workshop here. Contact:
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