Core Energetics workshops in Bali

bio energetics in bali – the science of living with ease

Do you ask yourself: “In my life, what am I not happy or fulfilled with? What limiting patterns have kept me stuck? What is my emotional and spiritual experience of the world?”

Are you repetitively attracting the same limiting situations into your life? Do you wish to gain a more profound insight into why it is hard to change old, debilitating and limiting habits? Feel you have outgrown your survival strategies and that they actually limit your growth?

When you are ready to embrace ease, flow, abundance and peace into your life. You wish to be more present, loving, in the moment and pro-active about your own spiritual and emotional growth.

Feel it is time to take that next step up towards living your full potential in life. Core Energetics is an effective, powerful yet gentle approach to personal growth. “It offers an effective way to overcoming major hurdles in a safe way to explore and remove blockages.

This allows life, love and all that life has to offer to flow uninterruptedly – often with just one session or workshop you are able to get to the core of it”  Ranil Sharma says.

Core Energetics opens your heart

Ranil is a gifted Core Energetics facilitator who has been assisting people all over the world into living a life of more ease and peace. He has been running workshops, intensives and retreats for over 15 years and has a private practice in Melbourne.

His natural ability to engage and communicate with people allows him to offer skill full, intuitive, connected and safe guidance to everyone who is open for change and dears to surrender and to the leap.

Also Read>>> Interview of Ranil Sharma

Core Energetics has evolved as a system of body-oriented psychotherapy that bridges psychology and spirituality. It is a mode of healing that combines bodywork, psychotherapy, and spiritual process.

It is widely renowned as the first western psychotherapeutic approach to incorporate the spiritual aspect of being with modern psychology and body psychotherapy.

Dr John Pierrakos (one of the psychiatrists who developed this work) describes the body as the laboratory of life. Every thought, feeling, perception and experience that we have is stored like an encyclopedia. Our conscious mind is maybe 10% of our psyche.

The unconscious mind is actually the body and so the beliefs that limit us can best be accessed through the body and energy system” states Ranil Sharma.

Old Survival Habits

Releasing these patterns using the body as a portal, allows for miracles to happen, to grow and open the way towards expressing your full potential in life.

Experiencing a major shift during my own process in the Core Energetics workshop in april in Bali, and being part of others’ processes, I realised that these workshops are not a luxury but essential if you wish to shift old habits that limit your growth.

Our unconsciousness likes its comfort zone and aren’t we all slightly attached to it? even if that is a limiting place?  

Our outdated survival instincts were great at the time; we survived. However repeating patterns that keep us unfulfilled stop us from truly living our lives.  

To truly “live” and increase our awareness, we need a conscious intention to change the things that are keeping us in “survival mode”.

Who can benefit from Core work?

Many of the people attending the workshops are every day people sayd Sharma. “They come to this workshops because they feel stuck in a particular area of their lives e.g career, relationship, finances.

They are usually quite self aware and focused on their own development and really want to take it to another level.

They are ready to be more present, loving, in the moment and pro-active about their own spiritual and emotional growth.

However i also assist people in their proces that are suffering with emotional health issues (depression, anxiety, disassociation, etc…) and regularly work in conjunction with doctors, psychologists and related health professionals”.

With Core Energetics you can dramatically enhance the quality of your life and invite the abundance, love and prosperity that you deserve and is your birthright.

To register for the upcoming training in Bali, Indonesia, sign up on enews. To know more about core energetics and Ranil Sharma, read Ranil Sharma interviewemail him

For more info on Bali’s best spots for the modern yogi STAY | SPA | PLAY | EAT | SHOP | YOGA – Download our ULTIMATE BALI GUIDE for free.

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My passion in this life is to assist people in reaching their greatest potential, to help them re-connect on a deeper level with their bodies, themselves and the world around them. Jyoti co-authored the book “The inside-out Approach” and developed the In8Move app to promote spinal
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