unalome meaning – symbol / tattoo?
Yogis often get tattoos to represent their commitment to yoga and its philosophy. There are many popular types of tattoos; you may have seen many yoga practitioners with “OM” or Sanskrit tattooed on their bodies. When it comes to yoga, Unalome is another iconic symbol. This article will explore the meaning and symbolism of Unalome, the origin of Unalome, and provide some examples of how you can use it in tattoos.
Meaning of Unalome
Buddhist Unalome
According to popular belief, the meaning of the Unalome symbol is a spiritual emblem associated with Theravada Buddhism.
It can commonly be thought of as representing the path to enlightenment.
According to the Buddhist view, the Unalome reflects each person’s life path. The path can be straight, circular or winding, paved with anxiety, fear, joy or love.
The meaning of Unalome says that the journey of life is full of suffering. However, even in difficulties and misfortunes, one must keep moving forward and learn new things. It also teaches one to look at oneself objectively.
The symbol of Unalome represents our path to enlightenment. It teaches that the path is not always clear or in the right direction.
Hindu Unalome
Although it is a famous emblem of Buddhism, some believe that the Unalome symbol has a similar connotation to Hinduism.
From a Hindu perspective, the Unalome sign represents the third eye of Shiva, the supreme God of the Hindu religion.
Lord Shiva is known as the Destroyer because his job is to remove all impediments in people’s lives and beyond. He sits at the apex of the hierarchy, where he can observe the cosmos and change it at will.
Shiva is also the protector of the universe, controlling everything and transforming it when necessary. Symbolically, the spiral at the base of Unalome’s sign represents the eye, and our life is given to us without any guidance.
We are the only ones who need to understand where we are going.
The ascending path, which resembles a line with knots, indicates each spiritual turning point in our lives.
The knots are obstacles that must be overcome to get to the lotus flower at the top. The lotus flower symbolizes perfection in Hinduism and represents Moksha, or enlightenment (in the Buddhist religion, known as Nirvana).
Moksha means that when we reach the top and open our spiritual Lotus, we are liberated from the cycle of birth, death and reincarnation.
Unalome tells a story
The base of Unalome’s meaning symbolizes the beginning of your existence, the day of your birth, your spiritual awakening or the beginning of a struggle.
The central lines, which make up most of the image, represent the struggle that tapers off as we progress through life.
This descending line indicates that the path of your life is a continuation of the path to enlightenment.
Let us look more closely at this aspect.
Our journey begins at the center of the spiral. The spiral reflects our inability to escape our flaws, worries and doubts.
However, our mind sees clearly as the life path unfolds. Gradually it breaks away from the cycles of suffering.
Perhaps when we connect to the various networks of emotions, we do not realize how confused we are thinking. We all make the same mistakes because we are all human.
Getting out of this cycle is not easy. The spiral, however, represents just that
The Unalome symbol is a visual metaphor for this journey. It is the apex and culmination of our struggle for self-awareness.
What makes Unalome the perfect tattoo?
Unalome is timeless
No one needs to worry that their Unalome tattoo will lose meaning as their life evolves
Just as each part of the Unalome symbol makes the whole what it is, each stage of the journey to self-awareness is necessary. The beginning is a catalyst for events leading to the end; the end could never come without the beginning
Because each part is interconnected, its significance and importance can never be surpassed.
Your Unalome can be unique
Many people like to tattoo Unalome on their body in a spot that has a special meaning for them. It can be on the wrist, the back of the neck, the shoulder blades, the back of the ear, the forearm, and the breast area.
Most Buddhists and Hindus are opposed to tattooing Unalome on the feet because they believe the feet are dirty and evil
Therefore, never put the Unalome symbol on your feet if you want to acknowledge its spiritual significance and protect its sacredness.
Most Unalome tattoos were conceived in the past as stand-alone tattoos, without any modifications
However, as tattoo artists have always sought to depart from the conventional and try something new, many have begun to incorporate their own ideas into the Unalome sign
Your Unalome tattoo can be included in a larger tattoo or accompanied by OM, Buddha or a meditator.
Variants of Unalome
The image below, for example, includes dots at the top, representing the achievement of one’s goals, independence and enlightenment.
Sometimes, instead of dots or at the top, a lotus is depicted
The lotus is a very significant symbol in Buddhism and Eastern philosophy. This is due to the inherent characteristic of the lotus flower
The lotus grows deep in the mud and cannot see sunlight. However, it pushes through the deep soil toward the direction of light and eventually blossoms into a beautiful flower
The lotus finds light despite the difficulties it faces; this is why Eastern religions commonly use it as a symbol of enlightenment.
The lotus in the Unalome symbol denotes enlightenment and freedom.
The lines within Unalome represent our challenges in life as we push through the mud and muck in order to finally blossom and be the magnificent creation we were created to be
We continue our journey toward enlightenment and emancipation from everything that has prevented us from seeing the light
The lotus is a symbol of freedom and enlightenment in the Unalome.
Feminine and masculine
Depending on its placement, the symbol can be masculine or feminine.
Suppose the base of the Unalome (the spiral base) is facing rightward and outward; in this case, according to Buddhist culture, it is considered masculine.
It is considered feminine if the spiral base of the Unalome faces to the left and inward.
These are essential factors to consider, especially if you want the meaning of Unalome to be your totem.
The type of Unalome meaning you choose will influence the energy you want to project
For example, consider the case where we want to emanate feminine energy. In this case, an Unalome with the base facing left and inward will suffice.
Choose an Unalome with the spiral base facing right and inward if you want to represent masculine forces.[3]
Other popular symbols to go with Unalome
A common symbol that some people include in their Unalome tattoo is the OM symbol
When you think of Hindu or Buddhist tattoos, the first thing that comes to mind is the OM tattoo, which means “I am” It is a typical design, seen on tens of thousands of people around the world.
Om is a fundamental concept in the Hindu religion and is considered the first sound of the universe. It symbolizes the union of mind, body and spirit. Try tattooing the om symbol with an Unalome to anchor your journey to self-awareness in a sense of unity
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Om
The many curves and lines of the physical Om symbol symbolize five states of consciousness:
– The bottom left curve represents the conscious, waking state of being.
– The upper left curve represents the unconscious state.
– The bottom right curve represents the dream state or the transition between wakefulness and unconsciousness.
– The semicircle at the top represents the state of Maya. “Maya” means “illusion” and according to Kumar is the most significant obstacle to spiritual growth.
– The dot at the top represents the absolute state. “When one can simply be,” the author continues, “it is the highest condition of consciousness; the ultimate degree of spiritual bliss.”
Balance mandala [5][6]
Another beautiful design that can add a story to the meaning of Unalome is the mandala. A mandala is a symmetrical arrangement of symbols, usually arranged in a circle.
The circle is symbolic of the universe as a whole. The circle symbolizes eternity, harmony, balance and completeness because it never ends. This eternity encompasses all other forms and designs, giving the impression of harmony, calm and completeness.
Tree of life giving foundation [7]
The Tree of Life is typically represented as a giant tree with roots reaching deep into the earth and branches reaching to the sky
These roots indicate the interconnected nature of the universe, an eternal link between the physical realm in which we are anchored and the spiritual realm to which we aspire
The meaning of the Tree of Life tattoo also reminds us of our universal connection with Mother Earth and our dependence on her to develop and thrive.
Seven chakras [8]
The chakras, depicted as swirling disks of light, represent seven energies in our body
Yogis believe that if all seven energies were in perfect harmony, spiritually, mentally and physically, one would be at peace
Therefore, a meditation on the meaning of the symbols of each chakra is a way to balance the chakras
Lotuses, triangles, hues, circles, Sanskrit characters and other symbols make up the iconography of the chakras.
By delving into their symbolism, one can discover how to keep them in balance and unblock any blockages.
Those who get Buddha tattoos see it as a symbol of enormous wisdom and spirituality.
The image depicting the Buddha (or a Buddha) depicted meditation and contemplation
Symbolizing compassion and love for all living things, he also represents calm in the face of chaos
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language spoken by only a few thousand villagers in today’s India
Because vocabulary and pronunciation create harmonic frequencies, words are believed to have higher vibrational energy.
You could add ancient Sanskrit scriptures to your Unalome tattoo or choose a modern phrase that suits you.
Hamsa [9]
Hamsa is a positive and prosperous sign. This symbol is used to protect and ward off evil and negative energies
Hamsa is a common symbol representing good luck, good fortune, health, wealth and fertility in many cultures and religions.
Namaste means “I bow to you.” When expressed, it expresses love for the person and at the same time respect for his or her space and divinity
The speaker clasps his palms to his chest and bows when speaking.
Ganesha [10]
Ganesha is one of the most powerful emblems of supreme consciousness in Hinduism
Many people who follow faith or practice yoga get this tattoo because it represents knowledge
For example, meditating on Ganesha can help you activate the third eye and calm the thoughts that run
Ganesha is an important Hindu deity with the head of an elephant and the body of a man who signifies good fortune, intellect and study. He is known as the one who removes impediments and is invoked at the beginning of new activities.
Ganesha Pronunciation: guh-nay-sha.
Unofficial pronunciation
We often do not know how to correctly pronounce this symbol that represents the path to enlightenment. So let us try to know how to pronounce what you have tattooed on your body as a symbol of guidance to life!
We can divide it into three parts: [OON] + [UH] +[LOAM]
For further guidance, you can visit this video to practice pronouncing it naturally.
Unalome Meaning – Conclusion
Each of our life paths is distinct and beautiful in its own way. Our interpretations of the symbol of enlightenment may also differ
Whatever straightens our course and eases our pain is a highly personal experience.
The Unalome symbol serves as a reminder of these universal aspects of life. While highly personal, the visual representation has an international unity.
We are not superior to one another.
We are both headed in the same direction.
We simply promote it in different ways.
The meaning of Unalome includes that pain is inevitable. However, it is not unalome if one remains stuck in this spiral
Recognize that your pain will not persist indefinitely. It will have plenty of time to express itself, but eventually it will let go.
Although our suffering is excruciating, there is always hope that it will end.
Even after unwinding, there is still another level of uncertainty to consider. The end point of Unalome is there for a reason
The insecurity of the world is inevitable. But, on the other hand, choosing to deny it does nothing to improve one’s self-awareness.
Respecting the process of life means respecting the uncertainty within us. After all, Buddhism is a philosophy of life. It challenges us to think about how to keep improving. It encourages us to grow and satisfy our curiosity without ego.
The Unalome symbol is a very beautiful emblem to represent. Use it as a visualization tool during your meditation or yoga sessions. Allow it to remind you of the path you are on.
Use the Unalome to represent hope if you feel stuck or overwhelmed. It will help you navigate through the muck that obscures your potential for growth
These symbols serve as a tool in the same way as meditation and yoga. So take advantage of them and benefit from their blessings.
[1] https://www.dailyrx.com/unalome/
[2] https://tattooswin.com/the-beauty-and-elegance-of-the-unalome-tattoo-one-of-the-most-spiritual-symbols-in-hinduism-and-buddhism/
[3] https://www.dailyrx.com/unalome/
[4] https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/what-does-the-om-symbol-mean
[5][6] https://www.byrdie.com/mandala-tattoo-inspiration-5101211, https://selftattoo.com/the-meaning-and-symbolism-of-mandala-tattoos/
[7] https://ishka.com.au/blogs/spirit/tree-of-life-symbolism
[8][9][10] https://www.yogabasics.com/practice/yoga-for-beginners/yoga-symbols/