ayurvedic enema therapy and basti benefits

how to guide for vata

The Ayurvedic medicated implant treatment known as Basti involves the introduction of medicinals such as sesame oil, coffee, acidophilus, or a herbal decoction in a liquid medium into the rectum following a water enema.

This treatment is useful for cleaning out the length of the colon, hydrating the body, and freeing the lower body from stress and stagnation.

If you are suffering from parasites or yeast, add 1tsp. of Vidanga, and /or Neem powder in a formula called Dashmula – meaning ten roots in Sanskrit.

If there is a tendency for gas, inflammation, or mucous in the bowel, the addition of 1 tsp. of Triphala powder to the Dashmula is another popular formula.

You can use each of the three herbs in Triphala separately, for the three respective doshas and their imbalances. Bibhitaki is great for Kapha imbalances in the bowel, such as sluggishness, mucous, or oiliness. Similarly, Amalaki is one of the kings of herbs because of its antioxidant qualities, and it is one of the best herbs in treating Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, diarrhea, or hemorrhoids from pita imbalance.

For the Vata imbalance, Haritaki is wonderful for gas, dryness, and constipation.

Thanks to its spasmodic tendency which squeezes the stones and waste from these organs, a coffee enema is perfect for cleansing the liver and gall bladder One of my long-time favorite Bastis is acidophilus. After you have taken the enema, you can then re-implant good probiotic enzymes, and help control yeast.

Step I. Preparation of the Basti

Medicated Basti: 

Add 2 TBSP of herbal mixture to 2 cups pure water, Bring to boil, simmer for 20 minutes, Strain. You can double the recipe and, reheat it up to this point.

Add: ½ tsp of black or pink salt, ½ cup of sesame oil, ½ cup of sunflower oil, ½ cup ghee and cool to a comfortable temperature.

Coffee Basti: 

Add 3 TBSP of organic coffee (not decaf) to 1-quart pure water, Boil for 6 minutes, simmer for 20 minutes, Strain, Cool to a touchable temperature.

After you expel the coffee Basti and set out ½ cup of sesame oil (so that it can come to room temperature if refrigerated) to the implant afterward.

Acidophilus Basti: 

Add 1 tsp or 2 caps acidophilus powder to ½ cup warm pure water.

If you are suffering from a yeast or bacterial issue, this is a perfect implant to use. Administrate repeatedly to ensure successful colonization of good flora.

Step I. Sourcing your enema kit

There are a variety of name kits available on the market, have selected an recommend a couple of them, you can find them here:

1. Medisential Enema Kit

This high-quality enema kit is suitable for coffee and water enema alike. It is delivered with a 2-quart stainless steel enema bucket with silicone lid, a thick 6.5ft silicone tubing, a silicone enema bulb, and a set of pain-free washable tips.

That means no leakages, no mess, and a kit that lasts. The kit is relatively large, perfect for home use. It comes with a full instructions manual & enema bulb. The Medisential Enema Kit is available from $39.99.

2. Aussie Health Co Enema Kit

This kit is designed for Australian and American health standards with premium-purity(TM) stainless steel and reusable. It has a long, versatile silicone 6.5FT tubing and a robust and durable clamp.

Easy cleaning. Medical-grade manufactured, the Aussie Health Co Enema Kit colon cleansing enema bucket is odorless, BPA and phthalates free stainless steel, silicone, and PVC tips and priced at $34.99.

3. Smokitcen Coffee Enema Bucket

Made with health standards environmental protection materials, and a stainless steel 2 QT Enema Bucket, this kit is easy to use. It is suitable for all types of colonic hydrotherapy and comes with 3 Soft Flexible tips & 2 Colonic Irrigation Nozzles that you can choose based on your preference.

It has a red water flow control valve, which allows you to control how fast or slow the enema solution enters your colon. Immediate refund is offered if unsatisfied with the kit or replacement parts you need will be sent. It can be purchased on amazon – Smokitcen Coffee Enema Bucket.

Step II. Taking a Comfortable Water Enema

At first, choose a warm private space in your bathroom, either on the floor or preheated but empty bathtub. Ensure no interruptions, light candles, burn incense, warm the room.

Before going to bed, receiving bodywork or an adjustment is usually the best time for taking an enema, you can then take advantage of the relaxed hydrated state of the body.

Fill an enema bag with approximately 2 quarts of filtered or good quality water. The water should be 101-103 degrees or a comfortable wrist temperature.

Choice of positions to perform the enema.

1. In Child’s Pose in a knee-chest position with buttocks in the air
2. In a left lateral side position or
3. In Apanasana, on the back with knees, pulled towards the chest and together, feet apart.

At first, hang the enema bag shoulder height while standing (4ft.) or lower for slower flow or coffee Basti (2ft.) Lubricate the enema tip generously with water-soluble KY-Jelly.

Then, insert the lubricated enema tip 2-4 inches into the rectum and allow water to flow gently into the colon, taking about 5-10 minutes for the complete fill. If “gripping” (pain) occurs, clamp off the water flow and wait for the sensation to quiet before resuming.

A slow fill will permit more warm water to enter the colon and stay there longer without discomfort. A fast-fill, the bag, hung too high, or water temperature either too hot or too cool can cause colon spasms. A few degrees inside the colon does make a big difference.

Gentle counterclockwise abdominal massage moves water deeper into the colon. However, this may cause a need to evacuate, if so release into the toilet.

This is not a contest; so don’t worry about getting enough water, or all the 2 quarts of water at the same time. You can always start another fill.

Once you feel well rinsed, expel the water from the colon into the toilet. Before continuing on to the next step, expel all the water, adding some stretches to help. This may take up to one hour for some people.

Step III. Implanting your Basti

After doing a plain filtered water enema to ensure there is enough space in the colon to retain the Basti for the indicated time, pour the Basti into the enema bag with hose clamped off. Get back into position (see step II) to do the implant. Insert tip into rectum, unclamp hose, and an empty bag.

In addition, massaging the colon counterclockwise helps the Basti move further into the colon. You may want to take a bath while you are retaining your Basti, to remain still and warm.

Medicated Basti: Retain for 20-30 minutes. Expel the Basti into the toilet. The Basti may possibly stay in bowel until your next bowel movement which is fine, but protect yourself in case of leakage.

Coffee Basti: Retain for 15 minutes. Expel the Basti into the toilet. Plus, add ½ cup room temperature sesame oil to the enema bag, implant, and retain for at least 20 minutes or possibly until your next bowel movement.

Acidophilus Basti: Retain for 30 minutes or longer if possible. Expel the Basti into the toilet.

After expelling the Basti wait at least 1/2 hour before eating. when using oil in the Basti, use a sanitary pad after your Basti to ensure not getting oil on your clothes. Placing a towel or plastic hospital pad on your bed at night might prevent possible nighttime leakage stains.

Step IV. Cleanup

After the treatment, cleanup is easy and should be minimal. Wash the bag out with dish soap or “Simple Green”, rinse the enema bag and tip with a 10% solution of bleach in case any backflow of fecal matter occurred. In addition, hang the bag to dry so no mold grows in it. Don’t use it for douching and do not share your enema bag with anyone else.


Especially if you are a novice, performing an enema at home might seem an uncomfortable treatment to perform on your own.

However, if you follow carefully the instruction above and the one of your enema kit, it is a painless treatment that has tremendous benefit to your gut health and overall well-being.

Ayurveda@livingrasa.com – AnjaliAyurveda.com

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