Teaching in Oakland, California Are you ready for a fresh take on asana practice? A class with JinSung can open up new perspectives and a...
janet stone
Radiant heart with janet stone yoga To Janet Stone, drawing 80 to 100 students to her yoga classes is as effortless as losing the weight...
janice gates
When wild child Janice Gates graduated from Syracuse University in 1987 with a degree in International Relations, she never imagined becoming a yoga teacher. Nor did...
larry schultz
Larry Schultz (November 14, 1950 – February 27, 2011) was an American Yoga teacher. Schultz is primarily recognized as a creator of Power Yoga as well as Schultz’s Rocket Yoga.Talk to...
donald moyer
Space is sctarce in Donald Moyer’s yoga classes at The Yoga Room in Berkeley – and for good reason. As a long-time teacher, and a...
giselle mari
When a yoga teacher explains the steps to enlightenment with the mantra “ I am of it, I am in it, I’m going to rock...
the dhyana center
In the heart of downtown Sebastopol, CA, lies “The dhyana Center,” a beautiful community space for Ayurveda and self-care. Offering education programs in Ayurveda and...
yoga tree san francisco
When Yoga Tree opened its doors in 1999, it created a unique space on the yoga scene in San Francisco. Vinyasa Yoga, as a separate...
ritual yoga | closed
closed It’s a Friday evening in November when I am first introduced to an innovative and new studio in the Marina. Ritual Yoga is San...
moveme studio
MoveMe Studio brings together dance and yoga classes in San Raphael to encourage students to move with awareness and joy. Dance styles offered include Nia, Bollywood,...
katchie ananda
Can yoga bring out the joy in you? The dancer who is unafraid to step out and live fully, even in times of darkness? Welcome...
yogaworks | the studio mill valley
We’d all love to sneak off in the middle of a hectic week and practice yoga in a luxurious spa environment, wouldn’t we? If only....
elise miller
It is no wonder that Elise Miller stands at the head of class with a presence radiating youthful vitality: she has been practicing yoga for...
sianna sherman
A traveler at heart, San Francisco yoga teacher Sianna Sherman unpacked her bags in Berkeley, called by the rich sense of community and nature of...
hatha yoga according to richard rosen
Maybe a yoga teacher is like a good Zinfandel, becoming richer, deeper and subtler with maturity. For no amount of youthful enthusiasm can compete with...
mynx inatsugu
Being in Mynx’s presence, you immediately notice a strong equipoise; a memorable quality that inspires you to get to your mat, even at home when...