how to start yoga at home practice

How to start yoga at home | I’m a firm believer in having an at-home yoga routine and have aligned my entire professional career to helping others do the same. The possibility of unlimited online yoga classes for one studio class’s price is enticing, but this is not the only benefit of a home practice. In this article, I want to help you dive deeper into your asana practice by establishing a home yoga practice that suits your needs and goals and answer the question on how to start yoga at home.

We have selected some online streaming sites here so you can start right away, you will find more details about them by scrolling down the article.

1. Omstars



4. youaligned

Introduction to Home Yoga

Embarking on a journey into home yoga can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, with the right approach and mindset, it can become an enriching practice. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of establishing a fulfilling home yoga routine, exploring its benefits, addressing common concerns, and providing practical tips to kickstart your journey.

What is a Home Yoga Practice?

A home yoga practice involves cultivating a sacred space in your home to engage in the ancient art of yoga. It’s a personal sanctuary where you can connect with your body, mind, and spirit through postures, breathwork, and meditation. Unlike traditional studio classes, home yoga offers the flexibility to tailor your practice according to your preferences, schedule, and pace.

While attending studio classes or gym sessions has its merits, a home yoga practice offers unique advantages:

  • Convenience and Accessibility: Eliminating the need to commute allows for greater flexibility in scheduling your practice, making it easier to integrate into your daily routine.
  • Personalization: You can design your practice to suit your specific needs, whether it focuses on relaxation, strength-building, or spiritual exploration.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Home yoga is a budget-friendly alternative to studio memberships with numerous online resources and minimal equipment requirements.
  • Intimacy and Comfort: Practicing in the familiar environment of your home fosters a sense of intimacy and comfort, enabling deeper introspection and connection with yourself.
  • Self-Directed Growth: Taking ownership of your practice empowers you to explore and evolve at your own pace, fostering self-awareness and self-discovery.

Downsides of a Home Yoga Practice

While home yoga offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge potential challenges:

  • Lack of External Guidance: With the presence of an instructor, it may be easier to receive immediate feedback or guidance on alignment and technique.
  • Distractions and Interruptions: Home environments can be prone to distractions, such as household chores, pets, or family members, which can disrupt the focus and flow of your practice.
  • Limited Social Interaction: Compared to studio settings, home yoga’s solitary nature may lead to a sense of isolation or a lack of community.
  • Self-Motivation Required: Maintaining consistency and discipline in your practice relies heavily on self-motivation and accountability.

Setting Up Your Space

Creating a conducive environment is crucial for fostering a fulfilling home yoga practice. Here are some tips to optimize your space:

Where to Practice

Choose a quiet, clutter-free area in your home where you can spread out your yoga mat and move freely without obstruction. Select a space with ample natural light and good ventilation to enhance your overall experience.

Creating a Comfortable Spot for Your Yoga Practice

Infuse your practice space with elements that promote relaxation and tranquillity. To create a calming ambience, consider incorporating soothing decor, such as plants, candles, or artwork. Invest in a comfortable yoga mat and props, such as blocks, straps, and bolsters, to support your practice and enhance comfort.

5 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get That Yoga Studio Feeling at Home

  1. DIY Props: Instead of splurging on expensive yoga props, get creative and repurpose household items like belts, towels, or cushions as makeshift props.
  2. Online Resources: Take advantage of free or low-cost online yoga classes and tutorials to access a wide range of guided practices from experienced instructors.
  3. Thrift Store Finds: Explore thrift stores or online marketplaces for affordable yoga accessories, such as mats, blocks, and blankets, at a fraction of the cost of brand-new items.
  4. Create a Zen Corner: Designate a dedicated corner or area in your home for your yoga practice, complete with inspiring decor, cushions, and soft lighting to evoke a sense of serenity and focus.
  5. Community Classes: Many yoga studios and instructors offer donation-based or discounted community classes, providing an affordable option to experience guided yoga sessions and connect with like-minded individuals.

Choosing Your Yoga Style and Routine

Selecting the right style of yoga and establishing a consistent routine are crucial steps in building a sustainable home practice.

Choose a Style of Yoga That Works for You

Explore different styles of yoga, such as hatha, vinyasa, restorative, or yin, to find one that resonates with your preferences, goals, and physical abilities. Whether you prefer a dynamic flow or gentle stretching, there’s a style of yoga to suit every individual.

Choose Your Focus

Identify your focus areas or intentions for your practice, such as stress relief, flexibility, strength-building, or spiritual growth. Tailor your routine to incorporate poses and sequences that align with your goals and aspirations.

Experiment and Go Deeper

Stay open to experimentation and exploration as you deepen your practice over time. Incorporate new poses, techniques, or mindfulness practices to expand your repertoire and deepen your understanding of yoga.

Starting Your Practice

Initiating your home yoga practice requires commitment, patience, and a willingness to embrace the journey. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Start with Five Minutes, Five Poses, or Five Counts of Breath Work

Begin with manageable increments of time, poses, or breathwork to ease into your practice gradually. Setting small, achievable goals allows you to build momentum and consistency over time.

Start Simple

Keep your initial practice sessions simple and accessible, focusing on foundational poses and primary sequences to establish a strong foundation. As you gain confidence and proficiency, you can gradually introduce more advanced poses and techniques into your practice.

Commit to a Practice Schedule

Establish a regular practice schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and commitments. Whether it’s a daily morning routine or weekly sessions, consistency is critical to reaping the full benefits of your home yoga practice.

How to Practice at Home with Videos

Utilize online yoga videos and tutorials to enhance your practice and receive guidance from experienced instructors. Choose classes that cater to your skill level, interests, and goals, and don’t hesitate to explore different teachers and styles to find what resonates with you.

…Or Without Videos

Alternatively, embrace self-guided practice by designing sequences and routines based on intuition and knowledge. Tune into your body’s cues, explore different poses and variations, and trust your inner wisdom to guide you through your practice.

Equipment and Accessories

Gathering the necessary equipment and accessories is essential for creating a comfortable and supportive practice environment. Here’s what you’ll need:

Gather Your Equipment

Invest in essential yoga equipment, such as a high-quality mat, blocks, straps, bolsters, and blankets, to enhance comfort, stability, and alignment during your practice.

Use Stuff Around the House as Accessories

Get creative and repurpose household items as yoga props, such as belts, towels, pillows, or sturdy furniture, to support your poses and deepen your stretches.

Essential Home Yoga Equipment

Ensure you have the following essential equipment for your home yoga practice:

  • A non-slip yoga mat to provide cushioning and stability during poses and movements.
  • Yoga blocks assist with alignment, balance, and accessibility in challenging poses.
  • A yoga strap to deepen stretches, improve flexibility, and support range of motion.
  • Bolsters and blankets for added comfort and relaxation during restorative and meditative practices.

Enhancing Your Practice

Optimize your practice experience by incorporating mindfulness, alignment, and self-awareness into your sessions:

Check-in on Your Alignment as You Go

Regularly assess your alignment and posture throughout your practice to ensure proper form and prevent injury. Pay attention to cues from your body and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal alignment and integrity in each pose.

Yoga at Home for Beginners

If you’re new to yoga, approach your practice with curiosity, patience, and an open mind. Start with beginner-friendly poses and sequences, focus on breath awareness, and gradually build strength, flexibility, and confidence.

Yoga Like No One’s Watching

As you practice yoga at home, release self-consciousness and perfectionism. Embrace the freedom to move, explore, and express yourself authentically, without judgment or comparison.

Maintaining and Deepening Your Practice

Cultivate a sustainable and enriching home yoga practice by embracing consistency, growth, and self-reflection:

Practice Makes Permanent

Commit to regular practice and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Consistency is critical to developing muscle memory, deepening awareness, and experiencing lasting transformation in practice and life.

Keep Learning

Stay curious and open to learning by exploring new poses, techniques, and styles of yoga. Seek inspiration from books, online resources, workshops, and experienced teachers to expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of yoga.

Release Attachment at Attaining Progress

As you progress in your practice, let go of attachment to outcomes and expectations. Instead, focus on the journey, embrace the process, and celebrate your growth, resilience, and inner transformation.

Stay Present

Cultivate mindfulness and presence by anchoring your awareness in the present moment during your practice. Tune into your breath, sensations, and thoughts, and cultivate a sense of spaciousness, ease, and acceptance in each moment.

Release Judgement and Criticism

Practice self-compassion, kindness, and acceptance towards yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of your yoga journey. Release self-judgment, criticism, and comparison, and embrace a mindset of unconditional love, forgiveness, and self-care.

Breathe Deeply

Harness the power of breathwork to deepen your practice and connect with your innermost self. Prioritize conscious, mindful breathing to calm the mind, regulate emotions, and cultivate inner peace, presence, and vitality.

Believe in Yourself

Trust your inherent wisdom, strength, and resilience to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and realize your full potential on and off the mat. Cultivate self-belief, confidence, and self-efficacy with courage and conviction as you embark on your yoga journey.

Trust Your Intuition and Follow Your Heart

Listen to your heart’s whispers and your intuition’s guidance as you navigate your yoga practice and life’s journey. Trust your wisdom, intuition, and divine guidance to lead you towards alignment, authenticity, and fulfilment.


Embarking on a home yoga practice is a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and liberation. By embracing consistency, mindfulness, and self-compassion, you can cultivate a sustainable and enriching practice that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, your home yoga journey may be a source of joy, inspiration, and profound growth. Namaste.

How to Exercise at Home and Actually Like It

Transitioning to a home workout routine can be challenging, but it can become an enjoyable and fulfilling experience with the right approach and mindset. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to fitness, here are some tips to help you exercise at home and actually like it:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your fitness goals and objectives to create a sense of purpose and direction in your workouts. Whether you aim to lose weight, build muscle, improve endurance, or enhance flexibility, having specific goals can help you stay motivated and focused.
  2. Create a Consistent Schedule: Establish a regular exercise schedule and stick to it as closely as possible. Consistency is critical to developing a habit and seeing progress over time. Whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening workouts, find the best time for your schedule and lifestyle.
  3. Mix It Up: Keep your workouts exciting and engaging by incorporating various exercises, activities, and routines. Experiment with different workouts, such as strength training, cardio, yoga, Pilates, or HIIT, to challenge your body and prevent boredom.
  4. Set Up a Dedicated Space: Designate a specific area in your home for exercise and fitness activities. Clear out the clutter, create a clean and inviting environment, and equip the space with essential workout gear, such as exercise mats, dumbbells, resistance bands, and stability balls.
  5. Find Accountability Partners: Stay motivated and accountable by partnering with friends, family members, or online communities for support and encouragement. Share your fitness goals, progress, and challenges with others, and celebrate achievements together.
  6. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s cues and signals during workouts, and adjust intensity, duration, and exercises accordingly. Honour your limitations, avoid pushing through pain, and always prioritize safety and injury prevention.
  7. Focus on Enjoyment: Choose activities and workouts you genuinely enjoy and look forward to doing. Whether it’s dancing, cycling, hiking, or playing sports, find activities that bring you joy, fulfilment, and a sense of satisfaction.
  8. Practice Mindfulness: Tune into your body, breath, and sensations during your workouts to cultivate mindfulness and presence. Focus on the present moment, let go of distractions and worries, and immerse yourself fully in the experience of movement and exercise.
  9. Reward Yourself: Celebrate your progress and achievements with small rewards and incentives. Whether treating yourself to a massage, indulging in a favourite meal, or taking a relaxing bath, acknowledge your hard work and dedication to your health and well-being.

By incorporating these tips into your home workout routine, you can transform exercise from a chore into a joyful and fulfilling activity that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. Remember to stay patient, consistent, and compassionate with yourself as you embark on your fitness journey. With dedication, perseverance, and a positive attitude, you can achieve your fitness goals and thrive in your home workouts.

Best Online Streaming Platforms For Yoga

If you’re looking for a committed practice with your favorite teachers, just like a yoga studio can offer you without battling the yoga studio crowd. I highly suggest subscribing to an online streaming platform. 

Some of the most popular yoga teachers in the entire world can be found on these platforms. Also, there are so many options for various styles and levels!

1. Omstars


Omstars provides genuine, engaging, enlightening, and transformative content crafted by dedicated yogis for the yoga community. Often referred to as the “Netflix for Yogis,” Omstars caters to a diverse audience. Whether you’re new to yoga, seeking relief from chronic pain, desiring mindfulness and meditation to calm a bustling mind, or aiming to perfect a handstand, Omstars guides you.

Experience a renewed sense of sacredness and reintroduce reverence into your daily life. As a profound spiritual tradition, yoga is brought to life on Omstars, curated by some of the world’s most esteemed teachers. Every class is a segment of a comprehensive course meticulously designed by a handpicked group of leaders in spirituality and mindfulness.

Omstars provides:

  • An extensive On-Demand library with 5000+ yoga lessons spanning over 20 unique styles.
  • Engaging in daily LIVE classes.
  • Guided meditations, enlightening podcasts, and talks.
  • Exclusive discounts on specialty programs (available with specific plans).
  • Seamless streaming across devices.
  • A members-only community.
  • Begin your journey with a 7-day Free Trial (available with select plans).
  • Freedom to cancel your Subscription whenever you wish.

Membership Details:

  • Free Membership: Enjoy a 7-Day Free Trial.
  • Monthly Subscription: Choose between $18/month or $24/month.
  • Annual Subscription Subscription: $148.50/year.
Affordability (Omstars+ Annual as low as $13/month and includes LIVE classes)

Practice with Kino MacGregor and a wide array of world-renowned yoga experts.

Library size: 5000+ classes to choose from
Daily LIVE class schedule: join live classes daily.
English only.

More yoga and less fitness-focused


screen shot website power practicing yoga at home

If you want a branded experience that you can access right from home, then this is a great option for you. Bryan Kest, the owner of Power Yoga, has curated a massive library of online yoga classes that are very on-brand with Power Yoga.

There are even free yoga videos for non-members so that you can try it out before signing up for the free trial.

Free Membership: (18 free classes)
Monthly fee: $22/month.
Annual fee: $180/yearly.
IG: @bryankestpoweryoga
Web: PowerYoga

3.  youaligned – Online Yoga Classes

screen shot home page website two woman practicing yoga at home living room blue tops how to

youaligned arranges its sessions in terms of duration, difficulty, instructor or category. As well as traditional yoga lineages like Ashtanga and Vinyasa, this platform has training for fitness and many kinds of yoga styles to learn. Also, there are free classes for all levels of difficulty.

One of the most interesting things about YA is that they have a sustainable initiative in which they plant a food-producing tree for every class you take. At the moment that this is being written, around 55,800 trees have already been planted. Finally, they also offer many interesting articles for their yogi community and the option to join their newsletter.

Trial: 14 Days Free.
Monthly fee: $14/month.
Annual fee: $120/yearly ($10/month).
IG: @Yaclasses
Trees Planted: Trees Planted: 250,000k and counting!?
WEB: youaligned/classes


screenshot of website yoga download practicing yoga at home

Yoga Download is like the Spotify of yoga videos, where a subscription allows you to save your favorites to your device even when you’re offline. There are two monthly fee options, with the $18/month fee providing you with unlimited downloads per month. 

If you don’t want to pay for a membership, then you can view their classes online for free.

This is the perfect kind of yoga membership for travelers or people who want to take their yoga class with them wherever they go.

Trial: Free classes available.
Standard Monthly Fee: $12/month w/ 2 monthly downloads included.
Unlimited Monthly Fee: $18/month w/ unlimited downloads.
Unlimited 3 or 6 months Fee: $40 or $70 yearly.
Annual Fee: $120 yearly ($10/month).
IG: @YogaDownload
Web: YogaDownload


screenshot of website yoga international practicing yoga at home

Yoga International is like an online library of videos on any topic related to yoga. So you can find virtually any yoga style for any skilly level on there, as well as videos about the chakras, human anatomy, or yoga philosophy. 

Trial: Limited time special offer of 30-Day Free Trial. Usually, 14-Day Free Trial.
Monthly Fee: $19.99/month.
Annual Fee: $119.88/yearly ($9.99/month).
IG: @yoga_international
Web: YogaInternational


If you’re looking for a personalized yoga experience and access to yoga teachers for all of your alignment and sequence questions, Grokker is a fantastic option.

The one-on-one communication and advice that they offer through their platform are unrivaled and the closest thing to an in-studio experience that you can find online.

Not only that, but the platform also offers more content than just yoga-related videos. From mindfulness practices to recipes to HIIT workouts, Grokker is a full package.

Trial: Free until Apr 30th due to COVID-19. Usually, 14-Day Free Trial. 

Monthly Fee: $14.99/month unlimited.
IG: @GrokkerInc

7. AloMoves is the best choice for yoga addicts.

best yoga apps

AloMoves is the ideal app if you can’t get enough of your practice. AloMoves provides devoted yogis with various high-quality yoga sessions, workshops, and challenges.

These offerings are designed to meet your specific demands.

You will get access to information from famous instructors, enhancing your practice by learning different yoga styles and approaches.

If you are passionate about your yoga practice, the AloMoves app is essential to help you stay encouraged and inspired on your yoga journey.



Gaia markets itself as a platform to “empower the evolution of consciousness,” tying yoga to its more traditional consciousness and spirituality background. This platform offers quality yoga classes on demand and provides movies, documentaries, insightful articles, and guided meditation for a well-rounded practice. If I had to choose one platform for my dedicated yoga practice, this is the one that I would choose.

Trial: 7-Day Free Trial
Monthly: 11.99 US$ or 8.25 US$ if billed Annually (with bonuses.
Yearly: 299 US$
Web: Gaia

Monthly Fee: $11.99/month
Annual Fee: $99/yearly ($8.25/month).
Live Annual Access Fee: $299/yearly ($24.92/month).
IG: @WeAreGaia

Best Yoga Channels For Yoga At Home

Look, I know that many of you know and love Adrien Mishler, me too! She’s bubbly and bright, her classes are complete, and she has paved the way for many yoga teachers after her to make lots of money online, so, I’m respectfully leaving her out.

Here I shed some light on some up-and-coming (and some not-so-new) inspiring yoga channels to practice yoga at home. 

1. Nicole Wild – For Intermediate to Advanced Practitioners

If you’re looking for a solid workout and a full-length yoga class, then Nicole will have it. Sometimes it’s hard for me to find a 45-minute to an hour-long yoga class on YouTube, so I LOVE that she brings us these classes online.

Her library isn’t all that large because her channel seems relatively new, but judging from how many views she gets within a week of uploading, you can tell that she will be pretty popular very soon.

YouTube Channel:

2. Faith Hunter – For Relaxing Sequences and Spiritual Exploration

Faith’s voice is the strong point here; it spreads like butter and makes her relaxing yoga sequences ever more so just by listening to her soothing voice.

I also really like that her flows are super approachable and focus more on feeling good in your body than a marathon yoga workout.

Her channel is especially useful for beginners in this way. Besides yoga, she also covers meditation, mantra chanting, mudras, and all things spirituality. 

YouTube Channel:

3. Boho Beautiful – For Everyone and Everything – How to Start Yoga at Home

I have to admit that when I first heard of Juliana at Boho Beautiful, I was a bit skeptical. I have some severe resistance when it comes to commercialized yoga, especially as trendy as it has become in the nomadic scene. But after watching her videos and incorporating her flows into my practice, I am sold on her yoga teaching style. 

She seems to be connected to the traditional practice of yoga, as far as my yoga practice and experience have shown me, so I love recommending her channel when I can. She has a vast library of beautiful videos that cover virtually every need you might have as a yoga practitioner. From beginner flows to advanced classes, you’ll find something that you like on her channel.

YouTube Channel:

4. Brett Larkin Yoga – For Full Body Stretching

Brett teaches vinyasa flow morning routines designed especially for women, so I feel like she gets what my physical needs are. She uses dynamic stretching of the hips and spine is my favorite aspect of her classes. She also teaches a lot of Kundalini yoga, so I try out different kriyas that I wouldn’t usually find in a yoga studio. 

YouTube Channel:

5. Sarah Beth Yoga – For Quick And Targeted Routines – How to start yoga at home

Sarah Beth is such a sweetheart, and taking her classes feels like hanging out with a friend. I particularly like that she’s not chatty in her videos, so it is easy for me to drop into my practice and tune out the rest. She has a vast library, but I like her targeted videos the most. They make it easy to build and support a yoga practice and are usually pretty quick.

YouTube Channel:

6. Yoga By Biola – For Uplifting and Wholesome Yoga

Often affirmations, positive body intentions, and other holistic issues are not looked at during yoga classes. Biola does it (i.e., how she healed her avoidant attachment style), and it is very healing. Her audio quality isn’t excellent, so that’s a bit frustrating, but I like to support channels like this because with the more views they get, the more they can improve their technology behind it. 🙂

YouTube Channel:

7. The Journey Junkie – For Chakra Yoga

blonde woman with books how to start yoga at home

It’s essential to put some focus on the chakras, and that’s what Allie does. Giving purpose to your yoga practice by dedicating it to your chakras is powerful and not often done in yoga classes. So if you’re looking for a fun and approachable way to practice some chakra yoga at home, then The Journey Junkie is the perfect channel for you.

YouTube Channel: – Website:

Final Thoughts on how to start yoga at home

Starting yoga at home is an exciting endeavor. It unlocks your ability to tap into yourself and cosmic consciousness any time of the day, any way that you need.

The key is to develop a home yoga practice that you genuinely look forward to, even if that means that you just sit down for some light stretching or merely meditating on some days. 

Go ahead and give it a try! And if there are any online yoga streaming platforms or YouTube channels you feel should be included here, drop them in the comments to grow our list of yoga resources!

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