Difference between yoga and pilates

Pilates vs Yoga |  Around the World workout. Despite their longevity and global popularity, Yoga and Pilates continue to confuse, exacerbated by the growing range of classes available in each discipline.

One is a comprehensive practice that dates back to ancient India.

The other is a physical system developed in the early twentieth century by a German anatomist.

While there is some overlap between Yoga and Pilates, the two are fundamentally different. [1]

Let’s dig deeper into this to see what truly distinguishes the two.

Yoga vs Pilates?

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1. What is Yoga? 

The most notable distinction between the two is that yoga lessons emphasize the spiritual side. Here are a few of the many ways to explain what Yoga is:

1) Yoga is a mind-body-spirit method that uses breath, movement, and meditation to bring together the mind, body, and soul. It also includes aspects of philosophy, science, and a moral way of life [2].

2) Yoga is a spiritual practice that originated in India. It combines physical poses (asanas) with breathing practices (pranayama) as a fitness plan. Yoga is sometimes referred to as meditative movement since it incorporates components of mindfulness.

According to a 2017 survey, one out of every seven persons in the U.S had done Yoga in the previous year. Approximately 94% of people who practice yoga training online say they do it to improve overall wellness.[3] 

Also read >>> Yoga for Beginners Online

3) In Yoga, mindfulness and deep breathing are essential components. Although there are many distinct styles of Yoga, most lessons include holding various positions and flowing through various sequences of exercises.

Yoga can be thought of as a sort of mind-body exercise. It incorporates both physical and mental activities. This brings increased awareness to the breath and energy.  [4]

To summarize, the focus on breath and the spiritual aspect of Yoga is its defining characteristic.

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2. What is Pilates?

1) According to Bertali, “Pilates was established by Joseph Pilates, an anatomist, and a mechanical genius.” “It is a physical system that focuses on the core and includes specially focused exercises to increase strength, flexibility, and posture. It is a disciplined exercise that must be followed regularly to reap the benefits “.. [5]

2) Joseph Pilates, a sickly youngster born in Germany in 1883, is the protagonist of Pilates’ narrative.

He desired to improve his health by learning Yoga, martial arts, and other mind-body practices.

When he worked with disabled soldiers during World War II, he grew more interested in body movement. He carried his training approach to New York City after the war, where it was welcomed by dancers, actors, and athletes. [6]

3) Joseph Pilates created Pilates at the end of World War I. It was primarily used to help wounded soldiers get back on their feet. In 1923, Pilates introduced his system to the United States and spent years perfecting it. [7]

4) Although Pilates is not a spiritual practice, it has healing and rehabilitation roots. Joseph Pilates, the German inventor, moved to England in 1912.

He was incarcerated with other Germans working in a hospital on the Isle of Man when the war broke out. He developed the foundations of his reformer, Cadillac, and chair apparatus here, using springs to assist bedridden patients in developing their muscles. [8]

To summarize, Pilates focuses on small movements that require important back and core stabilizing muscles and building targeted muscle groups.

Furthermore, the importance of beginning each exercise with a controlled breath that triggers a contraction of the core muscles is emphasized.

The primary distinction between Pilates and Yoga is that Pilates emphasizes core strength and concentrates on specific muscle groups.

On the other hand, Yoga can be more calming and focus on contemplative components. However, it also uses the core and builds muscle strength.

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2. Benefits of Yoga [9]

Yoga’s benefits have been thoroughly researched. Yoga, in addition to its physical and emotional benefits, has been shown to help with a variety of medical conditions, including:

Pilates may:

Yoga and Pilates both have weight-loss, muscle-strengthening, and balance-improvement qualities.

Both are also effective in reducing tension and relieving neck and back pain.

On the other hand, Yoga provides more psychological benefits in enhancing overall well-being. While sharing the same traits, Pilates focuses on recovery and stability enhancements.

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3. Types of Yoga 

Classes can be calm and nutritious all the way up to challenging and sweaty.

There is a yoga class for everyone out there, from more conventional types like Hatha yoga, a popular style that is slow-paced and suitable for beginners.

Other varieties may be more fast-paced or involve more challenging positions. Poses are frequently modified by instructors to meet the demands of their students. [10]

Types of Pilates

There are fewer wild variations of Pilates teachings, with traditionalists preferring mat classes and fitness-focused people choosing courses on resistance-based reformer machines.

Nonetheless, classical Pilates, which combines mat training with various Pilates apparatus, is regarded as the purest form of the practice.

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Many of the same motions in a mat class are used in equipment-based workouts but with more resistance.

Many people benefit from mat Pilates. However, those with limited mobility or weak core strength may find it more difficult. [11]

4. What are the Similarities between the Pilates and Yoga? [12] – Around the world exercise

1. Both yoga and mat Pilates can be done with only a few pieces of equipment. They simply require a mat and, if wanted, a few additional supports such as a block or a Pilates ring.

2. Yoga and Pilates, as they are now practiced, are renowned for their multiple health advantages, ranging from body connection and stress release to the development of flexibility, strength, control, and endurance.

Also Read>>> Best Online Yoga Streaming Platforms

Both disciplines have numerous interpretations (one person’s balance class is another’s cardio), but breathwork connects them both.

They both emphasize diaphragmatic breathing, or breathing deeply into the belly, as a way to use the breath appropriately during activity.

3. Yoga and Pilates both involve mental focus and can help with stress reduction. They can also be adjusted to various degrees of fitness.

4. Unlike many other kinds of exercise, Pilates and Yoga are both low-impact, low-intensity, and inclusive workouts.

Anyone (men, women, the elderly, children, and the injured) can practise Yoga and Pilates.

5. Both methods help you gain strength and flexibility.

6. Both pilates and yoga target muscle regions that aren’t targeted by many other types of training.

Due to their similarities, Pilates is considered as one of the Yoga alternatives, along with ballet, barre, tai qi, etc. Likewise, Yoga is considered as one of the Pilates alternatives.

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5. So, what is different?

Both Pilates and Yoga are low-impact exercises, but there is one crucial difference. When practicing Yoga, you typically adopt a position and hold it or flow into a different position. 

1) In Pilates, you take a stance and then move your arms or legs to stress your core. Both methods help you gain strength and flexibility.

Is Pilates Strength training? [13]

  • Pilates is a form of strength and resistance training.
  • Pilates is a form of exercise in which you use your body weight to create resistance and strengthen your muscles.
  • Pilates is excellent for strengthening your core, but as a Pilates workout focuses on the whole body rather than just each muscle at a time, it can help you build overall strength.
  • Pilates is regarded as strength and resistance training in mat and reformer styles.

Instead of using traditional weights, you utilize your body weight resistance to engage your muscles in Pilates, whether with or without apparatus.

The amount of strength and resistance training you get from Pilates will depend on the intensity of the workout, how you perform the various routines, and your own body, just like any other exercise.

If your primary exercise aim is strength training, you can adjust Pilates’ motions to achieve maximal resistance.

Slowing down and taking longer to finish a particular action, for example, might sometimes result in a more significant muscular burn.

If you’re utilizing reformer equipment, you can alter the resistance to increase the difficulty for more strength training.

If you’re doing mat Pilates, you can add resistance with equipment like resistance bands, the magic circle, or even small weights.

Pilates can help you tone and build your muscles, but it won’t help you “bulk up.”

If you want to gain muscle mass, you’ll probably need to include traditional weightlifting in your workout routine.

Pilates, on the other hand, can still be beneficial.

On the other hand, Pilates can still be an essential part of your weekly workout program.

Pilates is an excellent complement to weightlifting since it improves core strength, balance, and flexibility.

In addition, improving your mobility and posture will help you get the most out of your weightlifting exercises and avoid injuries.

2) Before doing range-of-motion movements

Pilates requires you to stabilize your core. Some Pilates studios employ specifically built apparatus, while others simply practice it on a mat. [14]

Some of the positions are identical in both Pilates and Yoga; the difference is that in Pilates, we build up to some of those exercises more slowly than in Yoga. [15]

3) Yoga generally emphasizes flexibility and stability, whereas Pilates emphasizes strength and stability[16].

4) Yoga connects the mind and the inner self with the body.

Yoga for core strength: On the other hand, Pilates uses mindfulness to connect to the body’s inner workings.

The focus on the spiritual element in Yoga is the fundamental difference.

6. Who should practice what?

It depends on the project you’re working on.

It’s tough to say if Pilates or Yoga is better for you.

Pilates may be a better yoga alternative to improve your strength and flexibility.

On the other hand, Yoga may be a good option if you want to improve your general health.

Still, a lot depends on the programs you have access to and the instructors’ abilities and qualifications.

For Men [17]

Although Yoga and Pilates are suitable for guys, some men believe they are not flexible enough.

Men and women respond differently to certain poses, yet both men and women can benefit from Yoga.

Pilates could have a similar issue attracting males.

Still, it’s helpful to remember that a man invented Pilates and that Joseph Pilates developed many of its principles while working with male soldiers.

Therefore as a man, if you have a psychological barrier to signing up for a yoga class, then Pilates can work as one of the yoga alternatives.

People who are more prone to injury

Pilates may be a safer option for individuals who are prone to injury, recuperating from an injury, or those new to this exercise.

Some people, for example, began their training in Yoga but were lured to the pilates reformer after suffering a yoga injury.

Pilates can assist in rehabilitation.

For pregnant Women

Yoga and Pilates are both beneficial during pregnancy.

The most important thing to remember is that pregnant women should focus on maintaining their fitness rather than improving it.

Maintaining range of motion is OK; overstretching is not. 

For Seniors

There are silver Pilates and silver Yoga.

On the other hand, Pilates may be more effective for persons who have specific body areas that are weak or who want to improve them due to its low impact and nuanced motions.

For therapeutic purposes [18]

A combination of the two is frequently suggested. Pilates, however, has become a mainstream of rehabilitation, particularly for back disorders.

However, it can also help with other issues, including urinary incontinence. While Pilates concentrates on the core, Yoga focuses on the entire body.

On the other hand, more energetic forms are not recommended for beginners. “They move quite swiftly, so there’s a risk of joint damage,” Silverton explains.

3 women in pryer pose yogi doing bridge pose

For hypermobile people [19]

If you’re hypermobile, which means your joints extend more than they should, experts recommend starting with Pilates and then moving on to Yoga.

It is possible to do Yoga if you are hypermobile but don’t push yourself too much, and practice with a tiny bend in your knees and elbows.”

Pilates vs Yoga: depends on your preferences [20]

In the end, it may come down to personal preference.

The choice is as much in mind as in the body. For example, Pilates is preferred by logical people, whereas Yoga is preferred by creative people.

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Jesse & Sophie


[1] https://www.harpersbazaar.com/ua/beauty/fitness-wellbeing/a25626354/
[2] https://www.harpersbazaar.com/ua/beauty/fitness-wellbeing/a25626354/

[3] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-pilates-and-
[4] https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/pilates-vs-yoga#Yoga-
[5] https://www.harpersbazaar.com/ua/beauty/fitness-wellbeing/a25626354/

[6] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-pilates-and-

[7] https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/pilates-vs-yoga
[8] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/02/yoga-v-pilates-both-
[9] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-

[10] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-
[11] https://www.harpersbazaar.com/ua/beauty/fitness-wellbeing/a25626354/

[12] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/02/yoga-v-
[13] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-pilates-and-

[14] https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/pilates-vs-yoga#Yoga-
[15] https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/pilates-vs-yoga#Yoga-
[16] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/02/yoga-v-

[17] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-pilates-and-

[18-19-20] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/02/yoga-v-

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[16] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/difference-between-pilates-and-
[17.18,19] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/02/yoga-v-pilates-

Written by
Soomi earned her BA in liberal arts in Korea, and she pursued her MA in public policy. Soomi has years of experience in research and strategy and is currently working as a policy strategist in Korea. Ever since first being introduced to the world of Yoga and meditation by a friend back in 2018,
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