the biggest marketing mistake yoga teachers make

how to avoid it – a healing journey
Wherever you are in your yoga teaching career, having a little marketing know-how will help you grow your classes, fill your workshops and sell your online classes. Whether it’s a simple Facebook post or the home page of your website, there’s one big mistake I see teachers frequently make which is likely costing them students, private clients, and retreat attendees.
You see, the common thought is that as yoga teachers, we have to get out there and sell ourselves to be successful. However, when we view marketing as self-promotion, what we’re essentially doing is putting ourselves on center stage, and here’s the thing: marketing isn’t about us as teachers, it’s about being of service and helping people create positive change.
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This is the biggest marketing mistake I see yoga teachers make. They focus on the What-I-Do instead of What-I-Can-Do-For-You. Yes, of course, people want to learn about you, but that’s what your About Me section is for, not the homepage of your website. In marketing your service as a yoga teacher, the most important element to focus on is transformation, aka What-I-Can-Do-For-You. In all of the ways that you share your business with people (flyers, social media posts, and in-person conversations), focus on What-I-Can-Do-For-You, as opposed to What-I-Do. Let that be your mantra and watch as others begin to gravitate towards your teachings.
Here’s a classic example I see daily on Facebook that demonstrates how we can shift from What-I-Do to What-I-Can-Do-For-You. A teacher sharing her upcoming workshop in a post wrote:
“Feeling so blessed to be able to share this workshop. If you are interested in experiencing the healing journey through the lens of the chakras, join me for Chakra Healing & Kundalini Yoga on June 24. Price goes up in two weeks. Much love & Sat Nam.”
First off, props to this teacher for using social media to promote their work, but let’s be more effective with the approach. This post focuses almost entirely on What-I-Do, essentially saying here’s my workshop, hope you’ll come. If the goal is to motivate people to attend, What-I-Can-Do-For-You is much more motivating than What-I-Do.
Try something like this instead:
Ready for more balance and less stress? A healing journey awaits you on June 24th. Through the lens of the chakras, we’ll travel inside to bust through your blocks and open your body and mind to the intuitive healing it needs. If you’re ready to become the happiest and healthiest version of you, grab your spot now before the price goes up in 2 weeks. I can’t wait to see your smiling face after this journey. Until then, much love and Sat Nam.
Also Read>>> Top Mistakes Yoga Teachers Make in Class
Now let’s compare. The first post doesn’t clearly explain what’s in it for the attendee. The post infers that there will be a healing journey, but the teacher doesn’t specifically state the change she will help someone create. Plus, the overall tone doesn’t exude confidence, nor does it have a strong call-to-action.
The second post, however, obviously expresses what a person will gain from attending: less stress, balance, happiness, health and a smile. It doesn’t just say “if you are interested in experiencing a healing journey,” instead it announces that “a healing journey awaits you” which is much more confident, appealing and inviting. In addition, it utilizes the question-first method of marketing.
Posing a reflective question grabs the reader’s attention and makes it personal. It helps the prospective client get excited about what you’re offering, and serves as a segue into the greater message. Additionally, it builds in a call-to-action that’s time sensitive and encourages people to act now and register.
So let’s recap on What-I-Can-Do-For-You mantra looks like when promoting yourself:
- Explain or describe the benefits
- State the positive changes one will experience
- Exude confidence to gain trust
- Present a call to-action
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Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about those you seek to serve. When you remember that it’s your students at center stage it takes the pressure off self-promotion. You aren’t selling yourself, you’re promoting transformation through yoga and that is worth spreading.
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