Beach Volleyball in Canggu, Bali

Bali is becoming a trendy destination for many active people. Finding passionate volleyball people is definitely not a problem here.

The weather is perfect all year, and most beaches are wide and sandy. But let’s address the elephant in the room: finding a way to play beach volleyball in Bali can be, at times, challenging.

If you search on google or Facebook for “beach volleyball in Bali,” you will only find ghosted requests to play and advertisements for volleyball tournaments, though only in other countries.

So why such immense popularity gaining paradise island is behind in the most popular beach sport? Bear with me, and I will walk you through a few solutions.

Beach Volleyball in Canggu, Bali
Enzo playing beach Volleyball in Canggu – Photography by Soben Giordan

How to start playing Beach Volley in Bali?

Join a group

You will not find public nets anywhere around Canggu. If you don’t have one, you better become friends with someone who has.

You don’t need much equipment, only a ball, a good-quality net, and a few people who share your passion for this game and play at a similar level.

There aren’t many, but there are a few beach volleyball communities in Canggu. It can seem that they are somewhat secret, and it is understandable as you don’t want 50 people sharing two courts.

You won’t get in the old volley squad immediately; it’s about slowly building connections and your beach volleyball network.

As per high temperatures during the day, people start playing at around 7 am and 4:30 afternoon.

There are four beaches where you can usually meet people playing:

A crucial aspect of a thriving beach volley session is that everyone feels challenged enough, but not too much, meaning that the players’ level is more or less matching. 

So your job here is to find the right level group for you. Arm up with patience, head to one of the beaches, and observe the players.

Do you see yourself in that group?

Great! Approach them, introduce yourself, describe your experience in beach volleyball, and ask if you could try it with them someday.

No one will dare say no to someone friendly and with eager eyes.

woman beach volleyball bali canggu kuta seminyak sanur Bali
Photography by Soben Giordan

Create your own beach volleyball community

No public nets? No problem! Have you ever thought of just buying your own beach volleyball net? Wouldn’t it be great to have complete control over where, with whom, and when you want to play?

As we already know, you can find people who want to play with a snap of the fingers here in Canggu.

So if you have your net, you need three more volleyball freaks, and you are all set to go!

Though most beaches have a steep slope, head to one of the beaches mentioned above and share the space with other volleyball lovers.

If you decide to make this purchase, you want your net to be high quality, as there is nothing worse than playing with a loose, curved net, right?

My most genuine recommendation is to go for professional Funtec equipment to ensure a smooth game; everyone will want to join you!

Funtec is the market leader in the beach sports sector for leisure users and professionals.

It won’t take long to build, even if you have never set up a volleyball net.

Get it shipped worldwide, and never worry about getting a spot to play your favorite game again.

Be patient; the demand is high, and the supply is low. But rewarded are the ones who pursue.

Connect with people with whom you share the same passions by joining the community or creating yours!

Beach volleyball is the best way to spend your time at the beach actively, and it has to be accessible to everyone and everywhere, so let’s start making a difference!

man playing with sunglasses and hat stiking  beach volleyball bali canggu kuta seminyak sanur Bali
Photography by Soben Giordan