woman and world


a short tale on passion

She swirls, hungry, impatient, like a tropical storm.

She passes through the world, she leaves no stone unturned.

Her eyes bear witness to wonders of the world,

past and present,

old glories,

fallen and resurrected.

Her skin, ardent, glows like embers,

She tastes like sand and sea salt altogether,

And like an oyster she gives birth to secrets.

She looks at chaos and bestows peace,

her heart pounds like a profound cave.

‘Stubborn child!’ they say ‘Who will love you?

What man wants a dust storm as their wife? Your impetuousness

will destroy your home.’

But just as not every man is fit to be a great sailor,

not every man comes to the ocean willing and able.

He who shall have her, shall be possessed enough

by his love for her, to leave everything else on the shore.

She will then embrace him into her ardor

and appoint him over nations.

He shall be praised and recognized.

For in gaining her love only, he will have gained the world

and the world shall be their home.

For a man is only as good

and his ambitions are only as potent

as the woman he chooses.

Read next >> yogic logic

Written by
London-based creative entrepreneur and writer, traveler instagram : @redrougesummer
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