5 basic poses to increase strength and flexibility
and you don’t have to be a super yogi to do them
If you google “yoga” chances are you’ll find pictures of super yogis upside-down, balancing on their arms or twisting in ways you didn’t think possible. While these advanced postures help build strength and flexibility, there are a number of simple positions that have tremendous benefits to the body.
Here’s a list of five simple yoga postures to increase your strength and flexibility.
1. Forward fold (Uttanasana): Hamstrings are a generally associated with aging though many athletes suffer hamstring at an even earlier age owing to the physical stress their body is subjected to day in and day out. Forward fold stretches hamstrings, calves, and hips thereby helping you get a more flexible body and strengthening your legs and knees.
Photography by www.atuttoyoga.it
3. Chair (Utkatasana) : Chair position in yoga requires you to stand as if you were sitting on a chair. This position helps you burn the abdominal fat and strengthens your thighs, calves, spine, ankles, and legs while you stretch your shoulders and chest. This position might be demanding on your legs initially, but they will get stronger with time.
Read more about Chair pose – Photography by jasperjohalphotography.com
4. Crescent lunge (Anjaneyasana) : This is one of the best positions in yoga to relax your hips. Hips are one of the most rigid parts of your body and can develop serious chronic problems with aging. A crescent lunge will help relieve the tension in your hips by stretching the groin. The position also strengthens the arms and legs.
Photography by istock.com
5. Warrior (virabhadrasana): This position is helpful as well to strengthen your upper and lower body. You need to stretch your arms upwards and move your right foot forward to get into a crescent lunge. Your back leg needs to move further back which stretches the hips thereby relieving the tension.
These five basic yoga positions are perfect for both beginners and advanced yogis alike. Practice these yoga postures regularly and you will find your physical strength and flexibility increased over time!
Read more about Warrior pose – Photography by jasperjohalphotography.com –