rezvan beauty therapy

Intimate spas with inviting storefronts dot San Francisco’s Union Street neighborhood, offering countless opportunities for personal attention to your pampering. Rezvan Beauty Therapy, an unsung Pacific Heights mainstay, doesn’t advertise its wares as unreservedly as other spas on posh Union Street. But walk up the Victorian staircase and enter the sun-dappled Parisian-style parlor, and you’ll understand why Rezvan Perera – an aesthetician who’s been in the business of soothing problem skin for over two decades – has a cadre of loyal clients who can’t get enough of the spa’s homey feel.

The spa’s offerings range from traditional European facials (with Dr. Grandel herbal products) to decadent body treatments named after Rezvan’s favorite poets. The Magnolia Blossom Body Scrub (inspired by Li Ching Cho) renders a vigorous “wake me up and calm me down” effect – with magnolia, jasmine, ylang ylang, and lavender. The Spring Rain Body Rejuvenation (inspired by Koga No Chiyo) is another favorite, consisting of a European Rose body polish, a soothing mud wrap, and a yummy half-hour of traditional Chinese foot reflexology.

Rezvan and her staff are also practiced Reiki masters, so the place feels like one big harmonic energy field. After a body scrub, opt for a Shiatsu massage with Gracie – on the floor, which is surprisingly therapeutic – or some Reiki with Rezvan. Reiki treatments are generally preceded by in-depth consultations and followed with a customized tea bath which you can drop into your bathwater later on.

Between treatments, sip some cucumber water in the chandelier-appointed lounge, or enjoy a view of the Golden Gate Bridge from one of the ethereal-looking treatment rooms.

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