asthanga yoga shala

Everyone have their own unique destiny to fulfill. Prem and Radha’s destiny is in Bali, teaching ashtanga vinyasa yoga as they received it from the late Sri K. Pathabi Jois, or Guruji as he was fondly called by all his students. «We were destined to be here, things just fell into place piece by piece». Together, they built a beautiful yoga shala in a lush tropical landscape. The journey to the shala is a morning blessing. Ashtangis who study with Prem and Radha are enveloped in Bali’s mystical rice fields as they make their way to Mysore practice. Every day, the view of the majestic volcano, Mount Agung on the horizon is accented by changing colors. «This is what we were meant to do; this is our home, our dharma. It is not our choice, but rather a feeling that we have been called to do this».
The bamboo shala radiates a special vibration. It feels like practicing in nature and actually melding with the surroundings. Welcoming the students at the door is Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. In reverence to the ashtanga lineage, Prem and Radha built the shala in a traditional and clean style. Students practice facing magnificent Buddha and Patanjali statues.
The energy is positive and relaxed. «Moola Bandha. Check your breathing» are some of Prem’s favorite phrases. The school is very detail-oriented, and encourages students to reconnect. That’s the intention behind the shala’s name: Ashtanga Yoga Bali Research Center. «What does research mean? Re-search… Everything is uncovered, we are re-searching, giving people the tools to return to the source via the method of Ashtanga Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra and all the other tools we have in our little box. Everything that we have gathered over the past 30 plus years, that is what we share with people, our life experience and our connection with all of that. It is then an on-going discovery process with each of one of you. Every one of you is like a living breathing book». Each with a different story.
They also offer Ayurveda consultations. «We ask clients, “what has been going on?” And people talk about their lives, what injuries they have had, all kinds of events, stories of depression, drugs, jobs. It is their story and it is lodged in their body and mind. They show up and say «Can you help me? I have all these problems, digestion, sleeping…»» Then comes the detective work. «And then hopefully in the consultation they get to look at themselves, they do their own re-search; we are just facilitating. We are not giving answers, we are guiding and making them look at things from a different perspective», explains Prem. «And from looking at it, from this research and re-looking, you understand that things were already there, inside you».
«We want people to come, to go, to keep practicing, to keep researching and discovering, and then return to the home office and check in», says Prem. «I want students to go and practice on their own. Come back and keep learning, this is what makes it stimulating for us». says Radha: to see the evolution, the path towards consciousness. «This is beautiful and that is what makes it worth it, people coming back and moving to new levels». That new level in the practice has a reflection in life: better choices, new jobs, healthier relationships, and a more conscious diet. «When things are working, when people are doing their research, we feel it. And that makes us excited! It makes us willing to give them the next level». Step by step Prem and Radha lead students through the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga.
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