jill miller

jill miller

Forty years ago, when most of us thought that people who did yoga were part of some strange cult, Jill Miller began her practice. She...
Jeff Wells Yoga Teacher

jeff wells

a yoga teacher out of the ordinary Jeff Wells awakens between 3 and 4 am. It is pre-dawn, before the sun has given rise to...
shakti house

shakti house

When you walk into the studio at Shakti House, the first thing you’ll notice are the hot pink cocoons hanging from the ceiling. Yes, this...
julie kleinman

julie kleinman

Holy mystery, holy mystery,” Julie expressed to me with a tone of awe and inspiration. I had the good fortune to catch her still buzzed...
samantha mehra

samantha mehra

Sweet, open and free-spirited, Samantha Mehra seems at peace with herself. Her playful exuberance and receptive demeanor reflect her facility for expression through relationship, through...
brad keimach

brad keimach

Grateful yogis have navigated their way through the maze of life’s many obligations in order to catch one of Brad Keimach‘s yoga classes at Exhale...
home simply yoga

home simply yoga

Home Simply Yoga is the first yoga school in the Los Angeles area to have employed principles of environmentally intelligent design to create a studio...
yo mama yoga

yo mama yoga

Across town on Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade Heidi Jo Corey and Beth Lutz teach the Yo Mama Yoga Kids’ clasyos. Children from ages three...