Transform yourself with jivamukti yoga
Introducing one of the nine internationally recognized styles of hatha yoga, the power couple of Life and Gannon present their message in a one-hour DVD that includes a freestyle yoga demonstration full of flexibility and showmanship, music tracks, and a nine-minute self-massage facial. Jivamukti is gaining popularity with devoted followers like Sting, Donna Karan, Russell Simmons and Christy Turlington, in studios growing out of their New York base.
“Once you make Jivamukti yoga part of your life,” Sharon gleams, “you will look different to the world and the world will look different to you.” Give it just an hour a day, viewers are assured, and you will very quickly see changes in body and mind. With their Ashtanga-centered practice, these renowned American teachers take yoga back to its original aim, that of achieving enlightenment. Jivamukti literally means “liberation while living.”
Their social statement is artistic advocacy and ethical activism, as musicians, vegans, choreographers and presenters at national yoga conferences. Their DVD points to the fluid combination of lifestyle and practice to enhance daily well-being, energy and joy. Somewhat intense, sometimes a spectacle, this DVD amounts to an inspiring workout set to soothing music played on traditional instruments.
– $19.99
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