
Donnalynn Civello, CHHC, AADP

A true seeker of health and wellness, I am a happy vegan, gluten-free cupcake-munching yogini with a passion to inspire those around me to be the best they can be. As Executive Director of Ethereal Wellness and a Certified Holistic Health Coach, CHHC, AADP and RYT Yoga Teacher, I strive to help restore a sense of (much needed) balance to my client’s busy lives by helping them make healthier nutrition and lifestyle choices. When I am not running around attempting to solve the world’s problems, I am coaching, writing, blogging and spreading the news of clean nutrition and wellness to anyone who will listen.

WHY AM I "DOING IT?": I am a writer for Yogi Times because I am someone who wants to make a difference in the world and believes that with a little love, it can happen.

Want to make your life better? Click here for more info on Nutritional Sessions with me. Click here for more info on Life Coaching sessions with me. :) 

For more inspiration, follow me: 


5 Articles Published

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yoga classes in new york

If your travels lead you to New York City, we have the perfect antidote for...
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yoga studios in new york city

While you are in New York, take some time for yourself to rejuvenate and check...
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Articles, YOGA 101

sri dharma mittra – conversation with a guru

an intimate discussion with the spiritual masterA sense of calm and loving kindness washes over...
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yoga in new york city

When you think of cutting edge trends, you naturally think of the city that inspires...
Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa, the ultimate haven on the banks of the Hudson River.

NEW YORK, reviews, STAY

Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa, the ultimate haven on the banks of the Hudson River.

As an over-achieving and over-taxed New Yorker myself, I often look for ways to take...