Dance your way to a higher vibration.

Who doesn’t like to dance, right? Did you know that music has powerful and contagious effects?

Adding dancing to the equation can instantly increase your vibration and lift your mood. To feel good all you have to do is to play your favorite songs in the morning and dance like there’s no one watching, for at least 5-7 minutes, even if you don’t “feel like it”. As a matter of fact, if you don’t then do it for even longer!

Yes, it’s that simple.

And why does it work so well?

When you dance, your body releases a huge amount of endorphins (the happy hormone) that get your cardiovascular system pumping.

The many perks of dancing include:

– Great health benefits
– Stress eradicator
– Gets rid of negative feelings
– And last, but certainly not least, dancing provides an instant mood-lifting effect


Create a playlist consisting of all your favorite songs that will get you up and dancing. How about you spread the good vibes and high energy and invite your loved ones? Dancing is contagious and it will create an immediate sensation of interconnection.

**Here is our Dance Playlist** just to get your started.

We would love to hear your favorite song. Share a title of the song or link to YouTube below in the comment section. We will add it to our personal morning dancing session!

Add the high you got from dancing to your day 1 gratitude list today! 

Stay on track with your balanced life journey on day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6, and day 7.

Written by
Co-Founder of YOGI TIMES and Certified Yoga Teacher Sophie Parienti, co-founder of the online global media YOGI TIMES and certified Yoga teacher, author, and thought leader, has been a dynamic yoga and wellness industry leader for over 25 years, profoundly impacting the international yoga
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