perfectly imperfect

perfectly imperfect

finding our humanity within yoga In the 1950s, a woman’s role was made to take care of the affairs of the household, while the man...
ayurveda at home

ayurveda at home

purifying your home and mind Ayurvedic articles are often written about identifying one’s constitution or imbalance and incorporating proper dietary choices and lifestyle habits in...
the 8 limbs of yoga

the 8 limbs of yoga

With yoga becoming tremendously popular, there is one specific yoga practised that is common, that is Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga. This yoga form is also considered...


Breath for a healthy mind and life Lately, you might have heard about people coming together to breathe…and reporting on phenomenal experiences. Are you wondering...
creating a new reality

creating a new reality

healing wisdom from deepak chopra, m.d. The great German philosopher Martin Heidegger has said that the threat that hangs over humanity comes from within. It...
welcoming your baby home

welcoming your baby home

a wonderful time to create a balanced, peaceful, healthy and joyful home Your home is intrinsically connected to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being....
what makes us human

what makes us human

looking at blade runner 2049 for answers       SNT: Accepting All Life – 3 Parallels between yoga and science fiction. Science fiction is...
last breath

last breath

My mother gasped for air. The ocean sound of ujjayi with the mouth open. But there was no apana, no energy with an out-breath –...