yogastar astrology
Astrology and yoga are two ancient traditions that enjoy mainstream popularity, but rarely are the two arts practiced in unison. Many of the rich, telling...
sound as awakening
discovering the magic of pratyahara Each day as part of our yoga and meditation practices, we celebrate our universality when we chant OM – the...
yuj meaning – what is the meaning of yoga?
Yuj | The Inner Science of Yoga | Beyond Asanas “Yuj, Yoga” … such divine words! One of the most precious and spiritual discoveries in...
being a superior human
david deida, shares his perspectives on the superior human Celebrated author and speaker, David Deida is a best-selling author and an acknowledged spiritual leader who...
does yoga burn calories? how many?
Those of you who are still suspicious if yoga counts as a workout. Most people wonder how many calories does yoga burn ; some assume...
the poetry of the yoga sutras of patanjali 1.1
Sutra 1.1 atha yoga anushasanam ~ now let us share the teachings of yoga This article is part of a series. With each specific Yoga...
perfectly imperfect
finding our humanity within yoga In the 1950s, a woman’s role was made to take care of the affairs of the household, while the man...
what yoga can teach us in this political climate
let yoga be your guide. There aren’t many topics that wreak havoc on our sanity more than the language of politics, especially in our present-day....
4 healing and spiritual tools to boost your inner practice
Spiritual tools for everyday life Sometimes spirituality tools and practice can feel like a lot of planning and work to find the quiet time you...
unlocking the upanishads: 4 key lessons for yogis
Upanishads: these texts may be ancient, but they are a powerful source of inspiration for modern yogis – unlocking While the Vedas are considered the...
freeing yourself from the shadows of karma
unravelling family patterns to heal your soul When the snow finally lands, following a blizzard of chaos and wind, how is it that each delicate...
why i gave my baby mala beads
how mala beads can be used to help grow mindful kids I recently gave my 16-month-old daughter a string of mala beads. Now, she can’t...
creating a new reality
healing wisdom from deepak chopra, m.d. The great German philosopher Martin Heidegger has said that the threat that hangs over humanity comes from within. It...
make yourself a priority
follow your heart Being open, trusting and full of faith that the path you are on is part of being in accordance with who you...
welcoming your baby home
a wonderful time to create a balanced, peaceful, healthy and joyful home Your home is intrinsically connected to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being....
what makes us human
looking at blade runner 2049 for answers SNT: Accepting All Life – 3 Parallels between yoga and science fiction. Science fiction is...