
Vera Kaur

Vera Kaur is from Sikh Indian origin. She was introduced to holistic healthcare from a young age and has always been aware of the body's innate ability to self-heal. In her twenties Vera visited and lived in ashrams in India, where she observed the holistic healing techniques applied by the traditional energy healers, and has since been drawn to all forms of holistic health.

Through meditation and dreams, Vera has the capacity to connect and communicate with the spirit world, from where she was guided to write her book, 'Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies'.

She feels that this was part of her life path, and wishes for everyone to be empowered with the knowledge of these ancient Indian self-healing therapies.

Please visit to order a copy of 'Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies' or view an excerpt.

25 Articles Published

sacral chakra menstruation


tο Ιερό tσάκρα και η έμμηνος ρύση

Ιερό Τσάκρα και έμμηνος ρύση | Παραδοσιακά, ο κύκλος της εμμήνου ρύσεως τιμάται, καθώς πιστεύεται...
sacral chakra menstruation


Сакральна Чакра і Менструація

Сакральна чакра і менструація | Традиційно шанували менструальний цикл, оскільки вважалося, що він є вираженням...


cakra sakral dan menstruasi: kaitan dan pengaruhnya

Cakra Sakral dan menstruasi | Secara tradisional, siklus menstruasi dihormati, karena diyakini sebagai ekspresi hubungan...
sacral chakra menstruation


czakra sakralna a miesiączka

Czakra sakralna i menstruacja | Tradycyjnie cykl menstruacyjny był honorowany, ponieważ uważano, że jest wyrazem...
sacral chakra menstruation



骶骨脉轮与月经 | 传统上,月经周期受到人们的尊重,因为人们认为它是女性与月亮周期相关联的一种表现形式。 月经被视为身体和情感的净化,因为它能让身体释放杂质和累积的情感。 印度女性直觉地通过休息来帮助排毒和恢复活力,因此让我们深入探讨骶轮和月经的话题。 学习平衡荷尔蒙的简单能量疗法 如今,我们往往忽视了身体的渴望: – 慢下来为我们的能量充电。– 吃天然食物来滋养我们的能量。– 与大自然亲密接触,补充能量。 – 表达我们内心深处的感受,释放我们的能量。 – 全面关爱自己,重振我们的能量。...
sacral chakra menstruation


chakra sacro e menstruação: uma conexão profunda

Chakra Sacral e menstruação | Tradicionalmente, o ciclo menstrual era honrado, pois acreditava-se que era...
sacral chakra menstruation


het sacraal chakra en menstruatie – ontdek meer!

Traditioneel werd de menstruatiecyclus geëerd, omdat men geloofde dat het een uitdrukking was van de...
sacral chakra menstruation


сакральная чакра и менструация

Сакральная чакра и менструация | Традиционно менструальный цикл почитался, поскольку считалось, что он является выражением...
sacral chakra menstruation


천골 차크라와 월경: 여성 건강에 미치는 영향을 알아보세요!

천골 차크라와 월경 | 전통적으로 월경 주기는 달의 주기와 여성적 연관성을 표현하는 것으로 여겨졌기 때문에...
sacral chakra menstruation


chakra sacrale e mestruazioni: scopri la connessione profonda

Chakra sacrale e mestruazioni | Tradizionalmente, il ciclo mestruale veniva onorato, in quanto si riteneva...
sacral chakra menstruation



セイクラルチャクラと月経|伝統的に、月経周期は月の周期と結びついた女性性の表現であると考えられ、尊ばれてきました。月経は、身体の不純物や蓄積された感情を解放するため、身体的・感情的な浄化と考えられていました。インドの女性は直感的に、デトックスと若返りを助けるために休息をとっていました。 ホルモンバランスを整える簡単なエネルギーヒーリングテクニックを学ぶ 今日、私たちは自分の体の欲求を無視しがちです: –– 自然な食べ物を食べてエネルギーを補給しましょう。– 自然とつながってエネルギーを補給しましょう。– 私たちのエネルギーを解放するために、最も深い感情を表現する。– 自分自身をホリスティックにケアして、エネルギーを活性化する。 その結果、私たちは毎月、身体的、精神的、感情的なさまざまな症状を経験します。 古代のエネルギーヒーリングは、私たちのエネルギーに力を与え、私たちが本来持っているバランスのとれた状態に戻してくれるものです。 もし、あなたがこれらの症状の1つ以上に悩まされているなら、以下のテクニックを1日2回、6週間実践してください。それぞれの部位の痛みの程度は、アンバランスの深刻さに直接関係しています。 生理不順 内くるぶし、外くるぶし、かかとを5分間しっかりとマッサージし、生殖器系の生命エネルギーを調整します。 生理が重い 手首の骨の内側と外側を2分間しっかりとマッサージし、生殖腺内の生命エネルギーを調整します。...
sacral chakra menstruation


chakra sacré et menstruation

Chakra sacré et menstruation | Traditionnellement, le cycle menstruel était honoré, car on croyait qu’il...
sacral chakra menstruation


sakralchakra und menstruation

Sakralchakra und Menstruation | Traditionell wurde der Menstruationszyklus verehrt, da man glaubte, dass er ein...
sacral chakra menstruation


chakra sacro y menstruación

Chakra Sacro y menstruación | Tradicionalmente, se honraba el ciclo menstrual, ya que se creía...
sacral chakra menstruation


sacral chakra and menstruation

Sacral Chakra and menstruation | Traditionally, the menstrual cycle was honored, as it was believed...
yogic wisdom: 6 natural practices to heal infections

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom: 6 natural practices to heal infections

learn how to activate self-healing for optimum well-being The subtle energies of the human body...
yogic wisdom: 5 unique pain-relieving practices

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom: 5 unique pain-relieving practices

discover the ancient Indian secrets of soothing your aches, pains and strains The energies of...
yogic wisdom: 6 mind body spirit practices to heal depression

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom: 6 mind body spirit practices to heal depression

learn how to realign your body’s energies to experience inner joy and peace Our body,...
yogic wisdom - 4 self-care practices to release accumulated stress and anxiety

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom – 4 self-care practices to release accumulated stress and anxiety

discover how to balance your emotions and strengthen your body’s stress response Today, our independent...
yogic wisdom - 4 indian practices to heal infertility

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom – 4 indian practices to heal infertility

secrets of a fertility cleanse to conceive naturally Traditionally, a fertility cleanse was undertaken to...
adrenal fatigue yoga 5 remedies to restore our adrenal glands


adrenal fatigue yoga – 5 remedies to restore our adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are mighty little endocrine glands that manufacture and secrete an array of...
yogic wisdom - 4 home remedies for the skin hair and nails

Articles, BEAUTY

yogic wisdom – 4 home remedies for the skin hair and nails

The medicinal properties of sesame seeds have been widely recognized in India since ancient times....
yogic wisdom - 4 detoxification practices

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom – 4 detoxification practices

discover the ancient indian secrets of holistic detoxification Traditionally detoxification therapies were practiced to cleanse...
yogic wisdom - 5 anti-aging healing practices

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom – 5 anti-aging healing practices

ancient Indian secrets to anti-aging Traditionally, anti-aging therapies were practiced to balance and fortify the...
yogic wisdom - 6 practices for permanent weight-loss

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom – 6 practices for permanent weight-loss

Traditionally, weight-loss practices were based on cleansing, regulating, and strengthening the body’s energies to remove...