
Vera Kaur

Vera Kaur is from Sikh Indian origin. She was introduced to holistic healthcare from a young age and has always been aware of the body's innate ability to self-heal. In her twenties Vera visited and lived in ashrams in India, where she observed the holistic healing techniques applied by the traditional energy healers, and has since been drawn to all forms of holistic health.

Through meditation and dreams, Vera has the capacity to connect and communicate with the spirit world, from where she was guided to write her book, 'Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies'.

She feels that this was part of her life path, and wishes for everyone to be empowered with the knowledge of these ancient Indian self-healing therapies.

Please visit to order a copy of 'Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies' or view an excerpt.

11 Articles Published

Acupressure Points to Delay Periods


Acupressure Points to Delay Periods

Acupressure points to delay periods are a natural method for delaying your menstrual cycle temporarily....
adrenal fatigue yoga 5 remedies to restore our adrenal glands


adrenal fatigue yoga – 5 remedies to restore our adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are mighty little endocrine glands that manufacture and secrete an array of...
yogic wisdom - 6 practices for permanent weight-loss

Articles, SELF CARE

yogic wisdom – 6 practices for permanent weight-loss

Traditionally, weight-loss practices were based on cleansing, regulating, and strengthening the body’s energies to remove...