
Jocelyn Gordon

HoopYoginiTM was created for you, the busy, modern, sensuous person with so much to communicate and experience. My name is Jocelyn Gordon. I welcome you to use the hoop as a dancing partner, yoga prop, and portal to feeling amazing in your body, whether you're new to hooping, trying to spice up your yoga practice, or exploring fun new ways to become healthy. My hope is that your HoopYoginiTM practice inspires you to see life as just a moving meditation, giving you the tools to build personal power and freedom as you learn to negotiate life's changes and obstacles with grace. Along the way, you'll be part of an inspiring global community that believes "Life Is Awesome!" and is dedicated to finding amazement in every element of life.

1 Articles Published|Follow:

suka duka: the ups and downs of life


Suka Duka: The ups and downs of life

“Suka duka,” meaning the highs and lows of life,’ is an ancient Hindu phrase which...