
Jennifer Ellinghaus

Jenny has been backpacking since 1997 and teaching yoga since 2006 and continues to enjoy learning from her diverse range of students, fellow travellers and the world. She believes there is no one reason to practise yoga and that everyone can benefit from it. Jenny has a light-hearted approach to teaching, with an emphasis on having fun while developing strength, flexibility, balance (physical and emotional) and stillness. Jenny loves yoga and travellingand hopes to pass these passions on to others. She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia – but who knows what the future holds?

3 Articles Published|Follow:

parivrtta viparita revolved reverse triangle pose? warrior side angle

YOGA 101, Articles, YOGA

Reverse Triangle vs Reverse Warrior

I’ll admit it—there was a time when the phrase Reverse Triangle vs Reverse Warrior might...
how to pronounce haṭha

YOGA 101, Articles, YOGA

Haṭha Pronunciation

In my experience in the yoga world, the word ‘haṭha’ is routinely mispronounced as if the first...
women in a yoga pose on a mat in studio kakasana bakasana meaning


bakasana is not the crow!

A little while ago I found out that I was regularly mistranslating a yoga pose...