bryan kest yoga: poweryoga online
“What is your company’s name?” seems the most straightforward question to start my interview with...
hot mama…
yoga yentaI’m not pregnant. Seriously, I swear.It’s just that there are certain moments in history...
bravo! bravo!
Yoga Yenta I have been very perplexed about yoga lately. I used to love yoga,...
dear yoga yenta…(7)
Yoga YentaDear Yoga Yenta, I wonder what you think about the topic of music in...
dear yoga yenta…(6)
Yoga YentaDear Yoga Yenta, I started taking a Power Yoga Basics class a few months...
shop 'til you drop
Yoga YentaLife has gotten oh-so complicated for the yogini who likes to shop. My favorite...
sole mates…
Yoga Yenta I had been meditating on this babe-a-licious hottie in my yoga class for...
yogis gone wild
Yoga Yenta Summertime is here and I’m ready for some R & R! Yapping about...
yoga on the go…
Yoga Yenta I find myself out of town again. This week it’s business, last month...
dear yoga yenta…(5)
Yoga YentaDear Yoga Yenta, I have been wanting to try yoga but I really don’t...
dear yoga yenta…(4)
Yoga YentaDear Yoga Yenta, I’m having a problem finding cool, comfortable yoga clothes for guys....
meet your match…
Yoga YentaThe ultimate ideal. Achieving nirvana when yin and yang come together and the energy...
food for thought
Yoga YentaI have a confession. Sometimes after yoga, when I’m driving home and just off...
yoga yenta's feminine flow…
Yoga YentaTo go upside-down, or not go upside-down? That is the question. Like many issues...
om sweet om…
Yoga Yenta I was really self conscious and just generally unsure about my first “Om’s.”...
dear yoga yenta (3)
Yoga YentaDear Yoga Yenta, One of my pet peeves is when there are too many...
dear yoga yenta…(2)
Yoga YentaHi Yoga Yenta! I enjoyed your article on mat etiquette. Your article “stepped on”...
dear yoga yenta…(1)
Yoga YentaDear Yoga Yenta, Well, dear Yoga Yenta, it is indeed a good thing that...
yogi fashion..
Yoga YentaHmmm… What shall I wear to yoga today? So many factors affect this daily...
yoga for sale?!
Yoga YentaEnough with the yoga already. Yes, it’s gone beyond mainstream. It’s healthy, calming, good...
yoga yenta’s silent vacation…
Meditation is on the up and up. Cover of Newsweek. Cures heart disease and many...
yoga yenta’s guide to dating…
I love yoga. I love boys. Thus, one would think that I love boys who...
yoga yenta’s mat etiquette…
Yikes. It’s 6:15 and I’m going to be late for yoga! I’ve schlepped to the...