susi hately aldous

7 Articles Published

tadasana the foundation pose of all yoga asanas

Articles, TRAIN, YOGA

tadasana the foundation pose of all yoga asanas

finding your feet As a beginning yoga student, I remember my teacher saying that Tadasana was the...
understanding your yoga practice

Articles, YOGA 101

understanding your yoga practice

explore the body, learn how to use and protect it As a beginning yoga student,...
knee pain solutions through yoga movement

Articles, YOGA 101

knee pain solutions through yoga movement

love your knees The knees bring a sense of levity to our practice. When they...
why your shoulders matter - exploring the shoulder girdle in ustrasana

Articles, YOGA 101

why your shoulders matter – exploring the shoulder girdle in ustrasana

moving into the surprisingly profound camel pose Ustrasana is a brilliant pose due to the...
Strength and Stability in Your Pelvis

Articles, SELF CARE

strength and stability in your pelvis

In a previous article, we explored the essence of the knees. In this issue we...
finding balance, stability and ease in the spine

Articles, SELF CARE

finding balance, stability and ease in the spine

who’s got your back? Back bends are delicious, forward bends are gracious, and twists are...
The secrets of the shoulders

Articles, YOGA 101

the secrets of the shoulders

The shoulder girdle is quite extraordinary. Designed to act as the bridge between the arms...