
Sarah Gottfried

I believe in evidence-based ancient wisdom.

I believe in eating your leafy greens rather than popping synthetic pills. I believe in Ayurveda and integrative medicine. I believe in using yoga to cultivate your most vibrant vitality (and teach a workshop on it, natch). I believe you deserve to feel sexy, ripe and delicious.

I believe the health issues unique to women have been shamed and minimized and mocked and stereotyped for far too long. I believe that needs to change. I believe in changing it. I believe in women. I believe in tending your flame. I believe that proactively managing and optimizing your health is your divine responsibility and path to personal power.

Why am I doing it?

I am a huge fan of Yogi Times + the course-altering effects of yoga. There is no better system I have encountered for making your life yummier and contenting. In short, yoga changes lives and writing about it makes me happy.
Thanks, SG 

Harvard-Educated, Board-Certified gynecologist. Author of forthcoming book, The Hormone Cure (Scribner/Simon & Schuster, 2013). Find me at

1 Articles Published

ana forrest


Ana Forrest

A Yoga Teacher out of the ordinaryHere’s my first impression when I met Ana Forrest...