
John Sovec

His approach of treatment will aid you in attaining your objectives and dreams. He is a Licensed Marital and Children Therapist in his family practice in Pasadena, CA. He can assist you in overcoming anxiety, overcoming despair, and easing the bereavement process. And if you have adolescent children...He specializes in assisting teenagers in navigating the turbulence of youth as they figure out who they want to be in society.

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Erich Schiffmann

In the world of yoga there are rock stars, celebrities and high-profile teachers all vying...
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LIVING GREEN, Articles, Lifestyle

How Anna Getty created a space for her family to thrive and explore in Ojai

A family oasis in OjaiEnter most homes where a fourteen month-old baby resides, and the...
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Articles, Interpersonal Relationships

the food and charm of chef suzanne goin

simple clean and tasty!From some of her earliest childhood memories, Suzanne Goin had visions of...