
Mihir Garud

Chicago based teacher Mihir Garud is a student of mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. His yoga practice incorporates a mindful flow of breath and body awareness with a focus on incorporating Ayurvedic principles. Mihir can be found conducting mindfulness and stress reduction programs at Chicago Public Schools, universities, health clinics, and prison systems. These techniques help calm and train the mind through sequences of movement and patterns of breath. For more information visit and follow him on Instagram @garud108.

2 Articles Published

what is a mantra?


what is a mantra?

how to practice mantras & their purposeA mantra is a tool for protecting the mind...
5 benefits of regular headstand practice

Articles, YOGA, YOGA 101

5 benefits of regular headstand practice

how inversions help balance the physical and subtle bodies Known as the king of Asanas (yoga...