
Delamay Devi

Dela­mays inten­tion is to cre­ate a safe space for per­sonal empow­er­ment that allows you to embody the true essence of your nat­ural self. She teaches Prana Flow®:Energetic Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Yoga Trance Dance and incor­po­rates skills from her Thai Yoga Mas­sage train­ing in classes, work­shops and retreats world­wide. She divides her time between Aus­tralia, Europe and Asia and mak­ing reg­u­lar trips to LA to con­tinue her train­ing with Shiva and the Prana Flow

1 Articles Published

my manduka mat


my manduka mat

‘I need to buy a new yoga mat, what do you think I should get?’...