Becky Tilley
As a child I had a religous upbringing, that led me to seek for myself the answers to life's big questions. I searched books, dvd's, videos, all in the hope that I'd find an answer to my yearning, for peace of love.
I've faced, many fears, challenges and a lot of deep healing has taken place. There's been many times, I've felt like a outsider in this world, looking in. Like I don't belong anywhere. Am now blessed to have discovered. I am, we are life and divine love itself.
At the very core of all life, is unconditional love. My life's devoted to being, that knowing. Living and loving, from the truth inside of me. Embracing my humanity with comapssion.
I have a wonderful husband and two adorable little dogs, that I love with all my heart. Right now, I'm running my own childcare business from home. It's my goal to nuture and encourage the next generation to believe in themselves, and others. To celebrate their uniqueness, which they do, so beautifully.
In my spare time, I enjoy yoga, mediation, reading, watching movies, writing, Toastmasters, music, time with loved ones.
Much love <3
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