
Becky Hernandez

I'm a multi-dimensional healer and intuitive that believes in living a full life! I first became aware of energy work around ten years ago. I was dealing through a really stressful and life-altering period in my career and was looking for a way to unwind. What I discovered was even more unique.

After years of battling depression, anxiety, death, addictions, physical problems, & eventually a Lupus and MS diagnosis that included excruciating back spasms, I was finally diagnosed with Lupus and MS. I realized I had to take action.

When I first started doing yoga and energy work, I found there was a lot more to it than just physical positions. I was having spiritual and emotional breakthroughs that I hadn't experienced before.

After a month of spiritual awakenings and the discovery of healthier living patterns, I felt I needed to learn more! I enrolled in yoga teacher training with very little knowledge and finances, and that was only the beginning. It ushered in a miraculous spiritual shift in me.

The physical discomfort became more intense as I continued through my adventure. "If you don't do anything soon - it will engulf you and you'll never recover," a spirit warned me one night.

That night, that ghost guided me to use energy and my intuition nature to cure my body, mind, and spirit. After weeks of discomfort, numerous medical diagnoses, and a variety of therapies, I was able to repair this problem overnight! My life was forever transformed!

Following these events, I embarked on an intensive and deep journey inside my soul, intuition, and entire being. My other gifts grew in tandem with the opening of my body and spirit. Mentors, classes, as well as other believers were crucial in guiding and leading me. I enrolled in a "spiritual boot camp" which completely changed my life.

I transitioned from an insurance account executive to an intuitive healer. I was able to repair both my inner and outer wounds, but I've never felt so inspired!

I cultivated my skills of intuition, healing, or medium work under divine and spiritual guidance, and I've never looked back.

I enjoy assisting people in changing their inlet and outlet life in such a short period of time. There's nothing else like it. I think all is energy & that we all have the ability to heal ourselves with the right instruction; I am proof of this!

I think I'm a guide. A caring and loving guide who can assist you in returning to your authentic self.

In thankfulness and love.


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the journey of an empathic yogi

Articles, YOGA 101

the journey of an empathic yogi

seeking freedom through yoga Let me start by saying I am fairly new to yoga,...