the journey divine

The Journey Divine Poem Poetry

The Journey Divine


For what all lies in store,

I am not yet sure.

Just wander and roam these tree lined streets 

and what was once confusing shall become clear….


The haze will disperse and the truth will shine through

and all will be revealed in time to you.

Think not of the future, just be present now

and what currently alludes you will manifest somehow.

Yet, this is not ‘your’ doing, 

this is not ‘your’ grace,

it is The One, The Universal, The Beloved’s sweet face. 

The Beloved is taking you and showing you the way,

so sometime, very soon, The Beloved will call to you and say:


‘Now is the time for you to share,

the words and the wisdom to all who dare,

seek ME in their OWN hearts cause, 

I’ll guide them ALL on with due force.

Tell them all of the surrender you gave

and how I showed you how to be brave.

To trust in something that cannot be seen

yet felt, unwaveringly in the space that lies between;

Heaven and Earth, are united in you

and maybe one day you’ll see it to be true.

I’ll be waiting, wanting to show you it all,

sometimes you’ll rise and sometimes you’ll fall

but hold steady and the truth will unfold,

lives mysteries and the secrets untold.

Take a step towards ME and I’ll support your path

think not of any aftermath,

All lies in waiting

and if you seek you SHALL find

from the outside back to your heart is

The Journey Divine.

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