group of people meditating can-breathwork heal pain anxiety soma breathing technique emotion breathwork meditation training soma breathing

soma breathing

Can soma breathwork meditation really heal pain & anxiety?Can breathwork and Soma Breathing training really fifit us? To breathe is to be alive: breathing is...
healing frequencies & solfeggio frequency

frequenze di guarigione e solfeggio

una guida ai processi di guarigione con le frequenze SolfeggioSiamo molto più grandi di quanto pensiamo di essere, ed è ora che iniziamo a vederci...
healing with watsu in Bali

healing with watsu in bali

water healing combines elements of massage, joint mobilization, and stretches.If you are looking to have a unique experience, consider Water Healing, also known as Watsu...

the healing power of breath

exploring pranayama breathingBreath, awareness and existence are inextricably woven. The flow of breath is the flow of life. We take our first inhalation when we...