god wears lipstick by karen berg

A book review: kabbalah for women

Perhaps it’s my love of the absurd, but when I picked up Karen Berg‘s God Wears Lipstick book with its Sex and the City-looking cover, I couldn’t wait to read it.

Packaging spirituality as chick lit is a brilliant marketing device, and Berg doesn’t let her audience down.

As co-director of The Kabbalah Centre (Madonna’s home away from home), Berg obviously knows what she’s talking about.

But unlike other books on the subject, the wisdom she doles about the ancient once-secret mystical practice is not communicated in an earnest manner, but rather in a hip Jewish mother manner, complete with references to Jimmy Choo shoes.

Covering such territory as how to attract the perfect mate, how to create a better sex life, and how to transform potential, God Wears Lipstick is The Rules for today’s spiritually-conscious woman.

A good introduction to a fascinating subject, it’s refreshing to read something that doesn’t take itself so seriously. 

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