grow your own pharmacy

Everything a healthy body needs comes from the earth. All of the essentials are right in the garden, we only need to cultivate them. Linda Gray, gardening expert and author, shows the way in Grow Your Own Pharmacy. The gardening itself is easy and may, in fact, account for some of the medicinal effects of growing your own pharmacy. The only challenge is knowing what to grow and why. This natural vitamin book lays out the daily essentials and how to produce them in an average garden. It goes beyond plant-based vitamins to minerals, medicinals, mushrooms and even edible flowers. This information-packed guide has a brief but terrific section on herbs that heal, empowering readers to treat common ailments. Blackberry/bramble leaf tea, for instance, is a good overall tonic that soothes sore throats and ulcers. Borage for courage, fennel for digestion, lemon balm for restoring youth””these and others are as close and comforting as your botanical bed. Just replace the panoply of supplements in your medicine chest with a handful of garden herbs and go green! The culminating chapter on recipes will make your efforts fun and worthwhile. The easy-to-follow instructions for ratatouille, banana seed cakes, blackcurrant tarts and soups and salads galore will beckon you out of the drugstore and into the kitchen to experiment. – $16.95 Read next >> What a Perfect Fit!