Deva premal sings the moola mantra

The Moola Mantra, or Root Mystical poem, is a moving classic, with renditions that span the range between sensual to devotional. Bestselling singer Deva Premal, with long time musical collaborator Miten, weaves both ends into a tapestry of sound as pleasing and complex as an Indian wall hanging.

Om sat chit ananda is the mantrathe primordial sound, truth, in pure consciousness and bliss. These Sanskrit syllables melt into the fabric of instrumentation designed by producer Ben Leinbach with Jai Uttal, Himalayan flautist Manose, Kit Walker, Benjy Wertheimer and other guest musicians. The opening melody is evocative of a composition by Anandagiriji, invoking the mood that remains constant throughout the CD.

The rich, musical terrain includes lute, flute, sitar, tabla and synthesizers, merging traditional sounds into ambient electronica. Deva Premal, inspired by the Oneness Movement and the vision of modern avatars Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, devotes this sacred offering to bring the world together in harmony.

Touring the Southland this fall, Osho and Oneness Movement fans are sure to be delighted and new listeners elevated by the hypnotic pacing and spiritual overtones of Deva’s voice. It serves as a transcendent backdrop to yoga, Deeksha (energetic healing) and meditation.

– $16.98

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