bay club marin

The Bay Club Marin describes itself accurately as a modernized country club in the heart of the City.  The group fitness program, including yoga, under the direction of Linda Morello meets that expectation.

Linda is very smart and savvy when planning the schedule.   There are a variety of classes and styles offered.   The one consistency is the high quality of teachers.  With such amazing teachers like Sherri Baptiste and Erin Fleming, Linda has great talent to work with. 

Driving to a mall for yoga may seem unusual for most in the Bay Area but walking up the steeps stairs is like entering an ancient temple on your first visit.  Once inside, the space feels like a large labyrinth.  Any corner you turn can lead to another room, open area for stretching, or the pool.  The mini women’s only mini-gym, a staple for the Bay Clubs, is a nice oasis.

The Refresh Café and Sanctuary Spa, on the first floor, each offer opportunities to re-fuel and revive.

The Bay Club Marin is not just devoted to creating and maintaining a strong yoga program for members only.  The yoga schedule includes Sunflower Yoga classes, formerly Yoga For Cancer, each week that form part of the Club’s IMPACT program.  The Club hosts many events throughout the year to raise funds for local charities, introduce new work-out trends and nutrition workshops.

Clearly, the Mind Body Studio at Bay Club Marin holds its own as a yoga studio. But it could be considered a prime Marin yoga destination when the additional benefits available to members are taken into account: plenty of parking, childcare, an exhaustive array of Pilates and group exercise classes, an indoor pool and day spa, and the warm, welcoming atmosphere.  While the Bay Club initiation fee could be prohibitive for some, the monthly membership dues are less than those at many yoga studios. 

The Bay Club Marin celebrates it’s 13th anniversary in 2016.   Their mission of “enhancing people’s lives” is stronger than ever.  The yoga program also aligns with a grander vision, shared perhaps by many of us who teach or practice yoga: to create more joy in the world by introducing as many people as possible to the delights of yoga practice. 

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