anshi skincare

a modern health and wellness brand

If you’re a health-conscious yogi, then you’re probably careful about the foods that you eat, because you know your diet can have an impact on your overall wellness.

But have you ever paid attention to the lotions and other products that you put on your skin?

Fortunately, the creators of ANSHI, a modern health, and wellness brand, are committed to putting out a multipurpose, versatile line of personalized rubs that not only care for your skin but help to heal your whole body.

When ANSHI’s CEO and co-founder Janelle Noble Donovan’s five-year-old daughter was hospitalized due to illness, Donovan didn’t look just look for answers in the lab, but also in the kitchen.

Out of her search for natural solutions, ANSHI was born.

The word “Anshi” is Sanskrit for “God’s gift”, and applying one of ANSHI’s four luxurious rubs to your skin feels like a special treat.

Each rub consists of a concentrated base of whipped and blended oils including coconut, castor, and Vitamin E with a dash of Himalayan salt.

All of the rubs can be used in various ways, but none are quite as versatile as the CLASSIC HIMALAYAN SALT rub.

The product can be used as a lotion to nourish dry skin, as an exfoliating face scrub, and even as an essential oil carrier, making it easy to customize your experience with an essential oil of your choice.

The TOTAL HEALING TURMERIC blend harnesses the anti-inflammatory power of turmeric. The oil can help reduce all types of swelling, from localized joint and muscle pain to red and bumpy shaving rashes.

DETOX ALOE is calming and can provide relief from bug bites, sunburn, and even upset stomach.

The NURTURING PEPPERMINT rub’s cooling properties help replenish dry skin, soothe the pain and discomfort of colds, and clear nasal passages.

In this age of chemical-laden skincare products, it’s comforting to know that ANSHI uses luxurious natural ingredients that pamper our bodies and comfort our souls.

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