how to grow and reach your tribe online

why going small is the best way to serve bigger online

In today’s short video, Destinee Berman, one of our favorite spiritual business coaches at YOGI TIMES UNIVERSITY, shares one of the biggest mistakes she sees spiritual business owners make with their marketing…

…and ONE simple shift that will help you immediately attract more of your soul tribe online.  

Destinee tells us from experience, “fear” is often what holds spiritual business owners back from excelling in the direction they desire. As the marketing manager for Twitter, Sephora, and Microsoft, you will be learning from an expert coach who will be teaching tools and techniques to grow you business online with confidence.

Today, you will learn how to carefully craft your marketing technique and tailor your message in order to target the souls who are destined to receive your message.

“Niching” down may seem counter-intuitive. You may be worried you will be excluding potential clients, or feeling unsure about how to do this correctly. In practice, a specific target audience attracts much better results.

Not only will you be aligning with your ideal clientele who are truly interested in your work, but you will be able to better serve them in the long-term with much clearer marketing.

When gearing up for a new launch to further expand your business, firstly assess your strengths and find a gap in the market you wish to serve. Take the time to ensure there is a marketing need for your services and introduce your specialized skills to a specific target audience.  

Secondly, really hone in on your ideas and question who you are serving and wish to resonate with the most. 

The final step is to ensure you are concise with your message. The clearer you are, the better your clients will understand what you are offering and have the confidence to invest in your business.

The more specific and narrow your message is, the more likely you are to attract souls who truly want to work with you.

The power of niching down and becoming very specific with your marketing will help you grow a solid tribe of members who believe in your specialization.

As a result of this, you will receive the clarity you need for every piece of marketing content you present to your audience, whether this may be on emails, sales pages or wait lists.

Adopt these techniques in order to avoid marketing to a broad audience. Use this technique instead to grow your conversion rates with a tribe of ideal clients who will follow you along your journey.

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