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the music of ben leinbach
born to be wildMulti-instrumentalist, producer and engineer Ben Leinbach has played a key role in the creation of some of the most innovative music in...

The Yoga Space Of Great Goddesses – MAHA DEVI Studio
How divinity lends a hand to architectureDesa Seni, Bali’s eco-village, has a beautifully designed Yoga studio named Maha Devi. It was a design inspired from a compilation...

water, water everywhere
the aquafier water bottleTake a note from Lululemon’s manifesto and “Drink fresh water and as much water as you can.” The Aquafier Water Bottle will remind you to do...

How Anna Getty created a space for her family to thrive and explore in Ojai
A family oasis in OjaiEnter most homes where a fourteen month-old baby resides, and the theme that pervades the household is ”pandemonium.’ However, this is...

Interview with Martin Sheen for "The Way"
Martin Sheen shares with Yogi Times how “The Way” is “disarming, compelling, and inspiring.”“You don’t choose a life, you live one.” These simple words, spoken...