healing your body within
starting with your diet and organic products Nearly everywhere we turn, we hear people with concerns about health, both their own and that of those...
how to balance your life
secrets to natural health We’ve all encountered people in our lives who seem to have an inner glow about them, an inner beauty that has...
listening to the heart
According to Ayurveda, the primordial cause of disease is forgetting our true nature. Once this is forgotten, we live out of harmony with our purest...
premenstrual syndrome, pms
yoga, not prozac The corporate pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe that we need to fix the irritability and mood swings that most of...
treating urinary tract infections with natural remedies or antibiotics
too much too often? Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are not just an annoying but relatively minor health problem. Each year, millions of cases...
aromatherapy – the benefits and the staples
You may want to explore the wellness benefits of aromatherapy, but where do you start? With the vast array of essential oils, base ingredients, herbal...
ayurveda: cooling herbal oils
summer joy As the starlight sky dances above and we lie in bed resting peacefully, the first morning rays begin to permeate through our east-facing...
dynamind – chakra secrets to balance your life
learn an “instant” mind-body healing tool During a Hawaii health getaway, I learned how to use a simple, yet profound energy healing tool, Dynamind, for...
an ayurvedic guide to seasonal transition
surviving the transition from summer to fall The state of our physiological, biological and psychological makeup is constantly being exposed to stressful circumstances that impact...
ayurveda for anxiety
Nearly everyone today has experienced anxiety, children even. Something about this fast-paced life, with technology and speed unimaginable only a few years ago has taken...
ayurvedic yoga therapy
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy is the application of Raja yoga – composed of the traditional eight limbs of yoga as defined by Patanjali in the Yoga...
do what you love!
My spa day isn’t your typical spa day. I woke up this morning knowing I needed a spa day. Don’t get turned off yet. My...
cultivating inner peace leads to health
following breath In Chinese Medicine Qi (energy) follows Shen (spirit) and Xue or blood (bodily health) follows Qi; this is to say that the more substantial elements...
feeling depressed? get off the sofa and get on your head with yoga.
An Exploration into Emotional Healing with Yoga Therapy As a society, the US is deeply entrenched in the throws of emotional instability. It is an...