the inner practice of yoga

This audio series uniquely addresses the growing interest in a style of yoga that focuses on meditation, relaxation, and restoration. Traditional asana masters have always stressed the importance of asana as a means of preparing the body for deep relaxation and meditation. However, this aspect of yoga was long shuffled aside in the West in favor of a more physical approach.

Now, many people seeking a deeper practice are rediscovering the wisdom of a more traditional approach to this ancient science. Nazari and the Heberts have created the ideal aid to this purpose.

Well-known teachers of the Walt Baptiste Method of Raja Yoga, Michele Hebert and her husband Mahrad Nazari present their teachings with clarity and wisdom. Three of the four CDs in this series are spoken meditations; two by Hebert and one by Nazari. Volume I, Relaxation and Meditation, is guided by Hebert and features Sach Dev’s exquisite bansuri flute melodies. The flute functions as a focal point and reference for Hebert’s musical voice.

The fourth CD, Flute Melodies to Open the Heart, is a gem of a recording by William Hebert, Michele’s father. Mr. Hebert played flute and piccolo with the Cleveland Orchestra for an uninterrupted tenure of 41 years. His mastery is obvious, as he allows the classical music of the West to melt the heart and encourage deep relaxation.

Read next >> deadlines, drama, and downward dog