bryan kest’s power yoga on demand online streaming platform review

The Power Yoga Experience

As a yoga enthusiast, I strive to be better every day in practice, which will eventually propel me to obtain my YTT credentials.

Delving into the Power Yoga platform, I created a plan that I could implement to try out each intensity level of the platform to obtain a well-rounded experience. Power Yoga is an online yoga program that offers membership or free yoga classes.

Several styles of yoga promote balance, autonomy in how your body flows, and wellness. I tried the yoga classes for several weeks at home to gain the whole experience and enhance my yoga capabilities.

YouTube video

This experience has proven to be the best for my wellness and an add-on to my daily regimen and lifestyle.

Taking a chance to practice yoga every day, experience added to my lifestyle. I am a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

I continue to study the many practices of living a holistic lifestyle, from Traditional Chinese Medicine to Mindfulness practices. Adding the yoga reduced my stress, enhanced my flexibility and balance, and gave me mental clarity.

Taking a chance to practice yoga every day, experience added to my lifestyle. I am a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

Also Read>>> Best Yoga Online

I expected to nurture and enjoy the experience differently than I did. Bryan Kest created a magical yoga platform that propels you to listen to your body and not give up the practice.

Taking a chance to practice yoga every day, experience added to my lifestyle. I am a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

I continue to study the many practices of living a holistic lifestyle, from Traditional Chinese Medicine to Mindfulness practices. Adding the yoga reduced my stress, enhanced my flexibility and balance, and gave me mental clarity.

I expected to nurture and enjoy the experience differently than I did. Bryan Kest created a magical yoga platform that propels you to listen to your body and not give up the practice.

Creating the Space to Improve My Practice:

Being an online experience, Yoga Power allowed me to be accountable for the time and space I dedicate to practising daily. My yoga practice took place in my home, allowing me to build my confidence and embrace the many poses.

As I continued to practice yoga, I recognized that it also improved how I practised Pilates, Wall Pilates, and HIIT exercises. I couldn’t believe how yoga improved my feelings and completed the other modalities of exercise I practised.

Taking several of Bryan Kest’s on-demand classes inspired me to keep going and allowed me to embrace the fact that I am improving daily.

Also read >>> Bryan Kest Yoga: Poweryoga Online

Experiencing the Instructor(s):

When I decided to test out various classes based on intensity, those classes were led by different instructors. Each instructor taught yoga differently.

Here are the instructors I selected to learn from that I experienced while improving my posture, form, and balance:

Bryan Kest has been doing this work for several decades, and his level of expertise shines when he instructs his class. As an instructor, Bryan Kest stated in the class that it was lovely! “…everything is a suggestion.

Listen to your body and deprogram the mind from pushing your body to the limit.” He stated during the class that it is interesting how we will push ourselves beyond measure to where we could hurt ourselves, and that doesn’t make sense (I’m paraphrasing).

All his classes didn’t just improve my skill in yoga but also allowed me to relax in my poses with awareness.

I took all intensity levels with Bryan Kest classes on the PowerYoga platform. I first took the mellow classes – side plank, standing splits, and savasana.

I took those mellow classes because those were some of the areas I struggled with doing those poses regularly. The 3 – 5-minute classes focused on accomplishing those poses and an easier way to do side planks.

It was made simple and easy. As for Kest’s higher-intensity courses, I was also impressed.

Travis Eliot—I took a series of classes, Eliot’ sas Yoga Basics, at Travis Eliot’s Mellow. His on-demand class allowed me to grasp the basics of yoga correctly and transition into new poses with confidence. It was a relaxing process and not strenuous on my body.

Dan Ward – I stepped up my intensity level with Dan Ward. However, grasping the poses for his class was not as smooth for me. The class was in the activated intensity level.

Michelle Goldstein is a storyteller who instructs the class through the flow of yoga. She guides the class into proper yoga form and ways to adjust while sharing stories corresponding to the flow of yoga moving into the poses.

Temitope Sonuyi—I joined the Intension and Extension class, which was a Power Yoga Sample class. All I can say is that the body lengthening and pushing were done with grace.

With all the instructors, there was no rushing into the next pose, and your breathing ultimately determined the pace based on the class.

Class Structure and Content:​

bryan kest's power yoga on demand online streaming platform review

There was a variety of yoga practised, and I only paid attention to the intensity levels, which were mellow, active, and robust. Each class varied in time duration.

I took classes that were 3 minutes long and focused on the correct way to do certain poses and classes that were more than 60 minutes long. Each class started with the first pose, the rested baby pose and slowly led into the next pose.

Travis Eliot instructed the classes individually, with no participants in the background, as he had provided the instruction. After reviewing each class I participated in, starting with Yoga Basics 1, Travis Eliot made the transitions to the other poses less strenuous for my body.

However, when I moved on to the Yoga Basics 2 class, my most challenging form was the tree pose, in which he provided three beneficial variations. 

When I moved on to Yoga Basics, I 3couldn’tdn’t complete it because the video stopped at 8 minutes. Maybe it was my internet. Tak Eliot’s classes taught me to flow through my movements properly and do yoga.

In most of the classes I selected, Bryan Kest was the instructor; all I could say was that I loved him. In his 1 Hour Power Hour! (Activate Level) he described yoga as a buffet and stated, “Take the poses you want and leave what you don’t.”

In addition, it explains that the six poses in flow are referred to as dress rehearsal. I gained another level of appreciation for yoga based on how he taught the class. This allowed me to listen to my body more when practising yoga.

My yoga block was The only equipment I used in any of the classes. Love and appreciation are present for this experience in its entirety.

Physical Benefits and Challenges:

bryan kest's power yoga on demand online streaming platform review

Let’s explore the physical benefits and challenges of this experience. Practising yoga daily has allowed me to improve my physicality in other exercises.

My posture improved, the stretching and the lengthening pain reduced, and my flexibility improved. I had physical goals while expanding my yoga capabilities, and Power Yoga has allowed me to reach them.

However, some of the asanas that were challenging for me were:

  • Full Body Boat
  • Half Moon
  • Warrior III

These asanas were challenging to maintain position because my body could not keep balance. The more I tried to add length in these positions, the more shaky the poses became.

My coordination improved, and my balance improved because my mental focus strengthened. I learned to listen to my body and continued to work on my breathing.

On the other hand, I experienced a few challenges in this process, even though it was a gratifying experience mentally and physically. My biggest challenge was working on my side planks because I always had difficulty holding my balance.

Overall, improvements have been made to my balance, flexibility, and core strength; however, side planks continue to be a slight challenge that I get better at doing every day.

Mental and Emotional Impact:

As I have shared throughout this review, each yoga class offered me mental clarity, peace of mind, and relaxation.

Practising yoga daily reduced my anxiety and random thoughts that came into my mind. Power Yoga classes have allowed me to practice mindfulness and be aware of what is coming for me.

As I continue to practice yoga, my mood improves, my thoughts become explicit and less intrusive, and my body strengthens.

Community, Social Aspects, and Forums:

If you are looking for an in-person community, Power Yoga hosts live events monthly in various states. Check their website, Power Yoga, for events or go to @bryankestpoweryoga on Instagram.

You could also visit PoYoga’sga’s YouTube channel and Facebook group to stay informed and connect.

If you need to go deeper into your yoga practice, Bryan Kest offers programs that meet different levels of your needs, whether it’s a YTT program or a 30-day yoga practice program it provided.

Subscribers could also read the reviews and view the Q&A video forum to assist with questions.

Support and Communication:

Aside from live stream and on-demand classes, if you need information on what Power Yoga is or the benefits of yoga, the platform offers a blog with so much information that benefits your overall health.

Of course, as mentioned earlier, live events are available to commune with others. For technical challenges, there is a support ticket that could be used to assist with website challenges. However, the website is easy to navigate and lets you find what you want.

Regarding access to a complete support system available, you can distance yourself in the platform’s how we can help section.

Here, you can get assistance on video technical issues, the video library, and login and access challenges work if you attend their studio in California, which provides information on class fees, studio location and directions, and, of course, if you are a first-time visitor.

On the other hand, if you need further assistance, you can always submit a support ticket. The Power Yoga platform offers several channels to connect when needed. If you need additional support on the platform, you can go to their Privacy Policy page, where information is provided.

To contact them further, email or send a letter. As stated on the platform, the responsiveness is as soon as possible. There are many channels through which you can obtain the help you need when using the platform.

Technology Requirements

Platform Design and User Experience

bryan kest's power yoga on demand online streaming platform review

Delving into the platform and the user experience, I see the layout is straightforward. If you are looking for classes on the platform interface, you can browse the classes offered based on intensity, duration, yoga time and instructor.

If you are interested in a series that is also provided on the platform interface, If you want to know more about the instructors that teach on the platform, that could be located at the bottom of the platform; once you are on the page, you can select whatever instructor you want to know more about.

In addition, the platform is compatible with desktops, laptops, tablets, and cell phones, which allows you to practice yoga anywhere.

Interactive Features

Once you sign up for the platform, you will monitor your activity in the activity feed. The activity feed has other features of the Power Yoga platform.

You have access to the latest community posts, and you can communicate with others on the platform. Recent posts are shared, and you can view who is online in the community.

The thesetional features enhance the experience on the platform by allowing you to connect with others using the platform, tech support, and instructors.

Engagement and Interaction

Real-time Interaction with Instructors

If you are interested in interacting with the instructors on the platform, you can do so through the newsfeed. On the newsfeed, you can privately share your thoughts with the community or other members.

Another way to interact and communicate with instructors is by going to their profiles on instructors’ pages and selecting their social media or email address to send a message.

As for live and Q&A session classes, they are either in the class or series sections; the Q&A and Lecture sections also have sections where you can watch the videos.

Quantitative Measurements

Course Hours and Participation

Power Yoga offers various programs for students to grow in practice and evolve as yogis.

Three programs are offered on the platform: Yoga for Weight Loss and Wellness, Online Teacher Training, and 30-Days to a New You.

Yoga for Weight Loss and Wellness is available in January, May, and August and is a 5-week course for people looking to cultivate a healthier start. Nothing is required to start this program.

Then, the Online Teacher Training is available in April and October of the year. This is an 8-week online teacher training that you have six months to complete at your own pace.

Online teacher training is a 60-hour training; you can access the materials for one year. At the end of the course, when completed, the student will receive a certificate of completion from Power Yoga.

However, this course does not make a person eligible for certification by any governing or accreditation body to teach yoga (i.e. NASM, Yoga Alliance, etc.…).

Another program offered is 30 Days to a New You, which is self-explanatory and self-paced. It gives you access to 26 classes over 30 days, and each seventh day is a rest and recovery day.

You have access to the course for a total of 45 days. Those are all the programs offered on the platform if you want to take your yoga experience to the next level.

Evolution and Design Choices

Platform Evolution

The Power Yoga platform has recently been updated to improve the quality of the user experience. Finding and meeting other community members, connecting with instructors and tracking your progress are more functional.

Before the updates, the platform was easy to navigate; however, finding the community was more complex. However, now the interface provides easy access to finding programs, events, classes, and even the shop.

If you want to explore the platform more, such as finding instructors and the Q & A section, go to the explore section.


  • Membership offers are either free with the benefit of accessing classes monthly or low in cost every month.
  • Access to various intensity levels and modalities of yoga
  • Self-pace practice available
  • Cost-effectiveness of programs available


  • Lacks accessible in-person community
  • Needs more options or opportunities to connect


The value you will receive from the Power Yoga platform is immense. Power Yoga offers many styles that could be implemented into practice, from regular yoga poses to kids’ yoga.

This experience increased my yoga capabilities and allowed me to have grace and flow. If you don’t mind taking virtual/online yoga classes, try Power Yoga.

I plan to continue to take courses moving forward to improve how I practice and perform yoga in the comfort of my own home. Power Yoga is highly recommended.

Rating My Experience

Suppose I had to rate Power Yoga and the online environment that Bryan Kest has created in my experience, out of all the yoga experiences I have had with yoga, from Kundalini to Vinyasa.

In that case, it is five stars and a 10/10. The instruction provided via on-demand classes is fantastic, and it guides you into the next pose; it doesn’t matter who the instructor is.

Each instructor may have their style and flow; however, they guide you in a way that is intentional so your body does not become strained.

My favourite instructor during this experience was Bryan Kest. Even though this was a virtual experience, it was rejuvenating for my body and made me excited to take another one of his classes.

I would love to take one of BrKest’s classes in person in the future because of my recent experience utilizing the Power Yoga platform. This is offered at the best value for an outstanding understanding of learning yoga and recognizing your body’s needs.

Give Power Yoga A Try! 

Power Yoga is one of the best online yoga programs I have ever tried. I encourage you to give Power Yoga a chance.

They offer a free membership, 20 free classes and 3 new classes monthly. I guarantee that you will find a style that suits your physical and mental needs.

If you have taken classes through Power Yoga, share your experience in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

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