am i a yogi yet?

am i a yogi yet?

when does it happen? Am I A Yogi Yet? When I first went to a yoga studio, I was not sure what to expect. Coming...
practice opening your heart

practice opening your heart

resolution of love Many of us resolve to take better care of ourselves and exercise more, practice more regularly, eat healthier, etc. What if we...
setting your intentions

setting your intentions

In my regular yoga class, the teacher asks us at the start of each to set our intention. Today, I set my intention to let go...
why iyengar yoga

why iyengar yoga

It is important to note the following when discussing what distinguishes the Iyengar yoga path from the many other systems… Yogacharaya BKS Iyengar is a...
true warriors do yoga

true warriors do yoga

True warriors do yoga. This statement is what I think when I practice virabhadrasana 1. Knowing we are a whole, together in this universe, the...
hip openers

hip openers

hip opening stretches “Hip openers”  are a very important group of asanas and pre-asanas for daily or weekly practice. These allow you to develop joint...
know your knees

know your knees

The knees bring a sense of levity to our practice. When they are functioning well, and without pain, they enable us to become buoyant, easily...
is yoga becoming a grind?

is yoga becoming a grind?

tips on a safe, sustainable practice On a panel at a recent Midwest Yoga Festival, Mas Vidal from Dancing Shiva Studio in Los Angeles and I...
what is yoga anyway?

what is yoga anyway?

What is Hatha Yoga anyway? Such a frustrating question I have often received from friends and family members. They know I am athletic but everything...