practicing ashtanga yoga

practicing ashtanga yoga

early struggles and the good things happening inside     So I began this practice that is Ashtanga back in November and started a home...
Break the Pattern

break the pattern

We all have re-occuring patterns and issues that happen over and over again in our lives. Be it the same kind of unhealthy relationships or...
mastering the mind

mastering the mind

controlled mind, peaceful health Everything might seem like chaosAll happening at once,Moving too fast andSounding too loud.At times, we may not be able to simply...
practice & all is coming

practice & all is coming

Practice And All Is Coming Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Hatha Yoga I’ve been practicing yoga for a while yet have always had difficulty with poses that...
vanilla - seed of  happiness

vanilla – seed of happiness

One of the most enjoyable aspects of studying natural healing systems such as Ayurveda and aromatherapy is the endless variety of plants and fragrances that...
what is my purpose?

what is my purpose?

free to be me   Lately I have had this craving, but it is not the kind that can be satiated with a delicious cacao,...