Water Release Therapy

WRT Water Release Therapy® (WRT) is a therapeutic warm water modality developed by Diane Feingold to facilitate healing and well-being. WRT is designed to release trauma, old patterns and holding stored in the body and mind.  The client experiences the process of deep release and profound unfolding from whatever may be keeping one from living fully.

There are many clinically proven benefits of WRT: relaxation, reduced pain, stress, fatigue, increased energy, increased range of motion, improved awareness, breathing and circulation. Recovery and release of emotional issues, trauma, grief, fear, abuse.  Can be used for chronic back and neck problems, stroke and recovery, addictions, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, low energy, sleeping problems, arthritis, depression, discomforts of Pregnancy (at all stages), trust issues, fear of the water.

What’s the origin of this therapy?

It originated from Watsu® (Harold Dull, founder/creator who created Water-Shiatsu in the 1980’s after traveling to India and Japan).  Diane (founder) combines elements of Watsu®, WaterDance, yoga, Pranayama, profound presence and the wisdom of the Native American Guides through Jennie Marlow, WRT came into being in 2000. 

Diane now offers WRT  ‘Provider’ Trainings for those interested in learning Basic Watsu® and WRT.  The trainings are for professionals, or anyone with a ‘license to touch’ whose passion is to cultivate their unique artistry and skills and learn to bring their talents into the warm water to share with others. WRT is about experiencing the joy of healing integration above and below the surface of the warm 97 degree body temperature, chemical free, purified mineral water.

If appropriate the client is gradually taken entirely under the water freed from the bounds of cellular memory and gravity one can embrace release, inspiration, flow, trust, courage, connection, openness, adventure, peace and well-being in literally unlimited and transformational ways.

The effects of WRT whether single session or as a cumulative 2-3 day Private Intensive include deep physical and mental release, help with pain, grief, loss and can induce deep states of relaxation, meditation and fulfillment.

Is it for beginners, is it for people with a certain limitations, etc…?

It is for those looking to create real healing and transformation.  It is for all persons all ages and abilities.  Personally, after standing on my head on the yoga mat for 30 years, once hung; suspended in an inversion in the warm water, I finally felt grounded !

What is the average cost of a session? 


$165. per hour (includes $40 pool fees)
$248. for 1.5 hours

What three words would you use to describe Water Release Therapy®?

Release, Relaxation, Joy!

Dianefeingold.com – 805.569.7047 – contact Diane Feingold for more on WRT Water Release Therapy® Session, Intensive and info on WRT Trainings.

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Agus Surya
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