veggies in peanut sauce
Last Edited Date: October 17, 2022
Estimated reading time: 1 mns
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Chop the cucumber, pineapple and carrot into thin slices. Blend onion, chilli, tomato and lemon leaf into a paste in a high speed blender. Put the pan on the fire, forget your worries and start cooking, because the worries are just thoughts anyways and they are not real!
Pour 2 tbsp of oil on the pan, add the paste, cook until it smells delicious, add grinded peanuts and through in the chopped veggies. Season with salt, sugar, pepper and sweet soya sauce. Stir and smile! Soon you’re going to taste something wonderful!
After one minute sqeeze in the lime juice.
Now taste! It has to be sweet, sour and peanutty!
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